Newsletters June 2014 | Page 2

2 WINNERS OF THE DAY (LEFT) Mooloolah Valley – H Harris J Barrett V Issacs D Austin RUNNERS UP (RIGHT) Called the G-strings – Team G and the Leader’s last name was Strings. PHOTOS BY JEANNETTE B BROWN MALENY LADIES’ FIESTA DAY was held on a warm, sunny May 29th with a full green. This weather was remarkable since it was held on the day before the usually rainy Maleny Show. All those members are thanked, who helped to make the day such a wonderful success, both socially and financiall financially. Support our SPONSORS because they support our club “Maleny Grove…a Live Life Village”. Top of the Range Meats. Sukhothai Restaurant. hai Watson’s Garage. Each of these businesses donates to the member’s draw every Friday evening. Members have the chance of winning cash, meat a meal or fuel – but you must be present if your number is meat, drawn out! 5.30 pm Editor : John Lewis, [email protected] [email protected] 8 Bunya Street, Maleny, 4552 Phone 5494 2335