Understanding the budget reduction and realignment process ; prepare and plan to provide input
Understanding the budget reduction and realignment process ; prepare and plan to provide input
The district is pursuing an informed , thoughtful , planned process to reduce and realign the budget over the next two years to provide time and input from stakeholders to ensure the best decisions are being made to maintain the quality of education in our schools .
Anoka-Hennepin Schools is facing budget challenges similar to school districts across the state that have created a budget imbalance . The imbalance occurred due to a convergence of factors that must be addressed over the next year , in a process intended to match the district ’ s expenditures with the funding reality , including :
• limited or stable enrollment growth ,
• elimination of federal pandemic relief funds ,
• higher than budgeted employee contract settlements ,
• inflation and increasing costs for transportation and operations support ,
• no additional revenue from state or federal sources anticipated ,
• and new requirements without funding support .
A similar budget reality is impacting numerous school districts in the metro area and across the state . This is not just an issue in the Anoka-Hennepin School District .
Did schools across the state just receive new funding ?
While it is true that the Minnesota Legislature provided significant new funding for schools in the 2023 session , that legislation also included new requirements , some without funding attached . Some of this funding was used this school year to address student and staffing needs for special education , English Learners and student behavior support .
In addition , the cost of operating schools is increasing due to inflation . The district anticipates significant increases in transportation , facility maintenance , utilities , supplies and materials costs - with no increase in state funding formula support or revenue from the federal government .
Planning and processes
Action is being taken now in order to lower the impact on classrooms with a phased , two-year plan to remedy an preliminary $ 26 million adjustment prior to the 2025-26 school year .
• Phase I : The budget reduction and realignment process will begin with central office personnel and program reductions effective June 30 , 2024 , impacting the 2024-25 school year budget . This phase will reduce administrative support by approximately 45 positions - equal to a $ 5 million reduction . These adjustments aim to lower the impact of reductions at school sites for the following school year .
• Phase 2 : A plan to establish a timeline for the 2025-26 budget reduction and realignment and will involve public input and review of proposals in the fall of 2024 .
This timeline provides opportunities for stakeholder input and adequate time to plan and implement the changes prior to the 2025-26 school year .
Upcoming community engagement opportunities to review considerations for budget and planning for the 2025-26 school year will be shared at a later date . Public review and comment is expected in the fall with a budget reduction plan for 2025-26 considered for school board approval by December 2024 .
Be informed
Review school board meetings , videos and background materials , and access contact information for school board members at ahschools . us / schoolboard . n
Pictured at the Northern Stars Celebration : AHEF Executive Director Tess DeGeest , Terri Johnson ( staff of the Thurston Foundation , now AHEF ), Gary Johnson , Kim Allen , AHEF Board Chair , Superintendent Cory McIntyre , Dr . Roger Giroux ( Chair of the Thurston Foundation , retired Superintendent from Anoka-Hennepin Schools ), Ginny Karbowski ( Thurston board member ), Stan Karbowski , Evie Fischer , and Tom Fischer ( Thurston board member ).
AHEF set to impact more students through the acquisition of the Harlan R . Thurston Foundation
The Anoka-Hennepin Educational Foundation ( AHEF ) makes an impact on district students and staff by helping create equitable and innovative experiences through partnerships . The foundation is now in a position to make an even bigger impact on students following its acquisition of the Harlan R . Thurston Foundation .
The Thurston Foundation was named after a longtime banker in Anoka who established a private foundation in 1965 to benefit graduates of Anoka-Hennepin Schools with low-cost college loans and scholarships . The Thurston Foundation approached AHEF and offered to transfer its assets to the AHEF to lower operating costs and ensure its mission will continue well into the future .
It is now known as the AHEF Thurston Fund and the integrity of the fund established by Harlan Thurston will continue to support students in Anoka-Hennepin through scholarships for postsecondary education .
This spring , AHEF is providing four $ 500 scholarships to each high school in the district , which will be given to students attending fouryear schools , community colleges , or technical schools .
Members of the Thurston Foundation board were in attendance at the annual AHEF Northern Stars Celebration to commemorate the newly established fund to benefit Anoka-Hennepin students . n
Discover Community Education
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education is dedicated to lifelong learning , involving people and enriching communities . We value the opportunity to bring high-quality educational programs to our community members , and there is something for everyone !
Adult learning
No matter what your interest or skill level , Community Education offers hundreds of yearround classes for adults ages 18 and up . Classes focus on technology , money , creativity , hobbies , home improvement , health , fitness and more . Call 763-506-5766 with questions .
ahschools . us / adultlearning
Adults with disabilities
Specialized classes offer educational , recreational and social activities for adults with developmental disabilities to practice life skills and to increase independence , communication and community integration . Call 763-506-1290 with questions .
ahschools . us / projectpower
Early learners
Educational and enrichment classes are available for families with young children ages birth to kindergarten . Early Childhood Family Education ( ECFE ) classes give children the chance to build school readiness skills while parents discuss ways to help their children become confident , independent learners . Many preschool options are also available providing early learners with a wide variety of learning experiences to prepare them for kindergarten . Call 763-506-1275 with questions .
ahschools . us / ecfe
Youth enrichment
The Community Schools program coordinates a wide variety of fun classes and activities to enhance your child ’ s academic and social experiences afterschool , in the evening , and over the summer . Opportunities for students in preschool through grade eight include arts and crafts ; science , technology , engineering and math ( STEM ) classes ; language and performing arts ; sports and recreation ; and swimming . Call 763-506-1260 with questions .
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