Newsletters 23-24 Focus [2] Winter Anoka-Hennepin winter Focus | Page 5



Ten district student-athletes recognized for their work in sports and the arts

Ten Anoka-Hennepin studentathletes have been nominated for the Minnesota State High School League ( MSHSL ) Triple “ A ” Award for the 2023-24 school year .
Each year , the MSHSL honors student-athletes who excel in Academics ( 3.0 GPA or better ), Athletics ( at least one MSHSLsponsored athletic activity ) and Arts ( MSHSL-sponsored debate , one-act play , speech , visual arts , and instrumental or vocal music ).
The award is given to one senior female and one senior male in the state .
Anoka , Blaine , Champlin Park and Coon Rapids high schools represent Region 5AA while Andover High School is in Region 7AA for the MSHSL Triple “ A ” Award .
Anoka-Hennepin nominees for the Triple “ A ” Award are :
Andover High School
Claire VanGheem
Finnian Dillinger
Anoka High School
Grace Morphew
Evan Freking
Angelina Drews
Nathan Taylor
Superintendent McIntyre meeting with students from Blaine High School .
Each school in the state can nominate one senior female and one senior male student for consideration . Triple “ A ” Award recipients are selected through a multi-level process involving member schools of the league , the league ’ s administrative regions , and a special committee of educators , business leaders , and members from the fine arts and athletics communities . n

Superintendent roundtables amplify student voice

For Anoka-Hennepin Superintendent Cory McIntyre , student voice is an important and powerful component of the decision-making process and for providing a safe , welcoming and positive school environment . In his first year as superintendent , McIntyre is visiting with groups of students at each of the district high schools for student roundtable discussions .
The hour-long sessions aim to gather student perspectives on the high school experience . To guide the discussion , both McIntyre and the students come prepared with questions .
“ I enjoyed the vulnerability ,” said Onyx Iweh , a senior at Coon Rapids High School - Center for Biomedical Sciences and Engineering . “ When you think of a
Blaine High School
Champlin Park High School
Emily Whitehouse
Charlie Hibbs
Coon Rapids High School
Jaida Gray
Charles Schulte
superintendent , you think of a shadowy figure that you hear of but never see , so to have that person in front of me , entertaining our ideas and being welcoming — helped me to see that leaders in the school system are genuinely on my side .”
Topics discussed focused on how the school and district staff can improve the student experience ; how important quality relationships are in the building ; impactful curriculum and what should be required ; student concerns unique to each school ; and more .
Following each session , McIntyre stays at the school to speak one-on-one with students who want to dig deeper about a topic and he provides ways for students to get additional questions answered . n

Demographic projections

Enrollment expected to remain steady
The Anoka-Hennepin School Board reviewed enrollment projections at its meeting Nov . 27 in a presentation by Hazel Reinhardt , the consultant who conducted a comprehensive study of the school district and its communities . Reinhardt served as the first demographer in the state of Minnesota .
The study was intended to provide district leaders with a comprehensive analysis of the current and future student population to best inform future planning and decision-making - with a focus on five-year projections out to the 2028-29 school year ; and ten-year projections out to the 2032-33 school year .
Highlights included : the effects of COVID- 19 , enrollment history and future projections , alternative education options , birth rates in the community , housing and migration .
A focus on potential housing developments informed opportunities for growth , which may impact nine of the district ’ s 25 elementary schools . While rapid growth has recently occurred in pockets of the school district , enrollment has been - and is expected to - remain steady .
The study outlined the School Board ’ s commitment to proactive planning for the future . Projections indicate that recent elementary school boundary adjustments that went into effect in the fall of 2023 will likely maintain balanced enrollment across the district .
Factors impacting enrollment and community trends
Kindergarten classes have been lower than pre-pandemic levels for a number of reasons including fertility , lower birth rates , housing mixes and alternative options such as non-public schools .
• While homeschool rates initially increased during the pandemic , they have since been declining .
• In 2020 , births in the U . S . were the lowest they have been since 1979 . The rate went up in 2021 by one percent before falling flat again in 2022 .
• Mobility in the district and across the country has declined . Housing demands are typically influenced by mobility in communities . Reasons highlighted were slowing immigration from abroad , while more young adults are moving out of state - which impacts statewide and community birth rates .
The Anoka-Hennepin School District ’ s commitment to addressing the changing demographics reflects a proactive approach to balanced budgeting and efficiency in public service to the community . n
Teachers greet students outside Adams Elementary School on the first day in September .