Newsletters 2021-22 Focus, [2] Fall | Page 8

ANOKA-HENNEPIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 11 2727 N Ferry St . Anoka , MN 55303 ahschools . us
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Focus is a service for residents of the Anoka-Hennepin School District published to keep them informed about the investment in their public schools and students . The Anoka- Hennepin School District serves more than 38,000 students and a population of 234,308 residents in 13 communities : Andover , Anoka , Blaine , Brooklyn Center , Brooklyn Park , Champlin , Coon Rapids , Dayton , Fridley , Ham Lake , Nowthen , Oak Grove and Ramsey .
Communication and Public Relations department Jim Skelly , director Heather Peters , assistant director Tim Evans , communication specialist Dax Larson , communication specialist Kristie Thorson , Community Education communications coordinator Missy Hilger , graphic designer , Print Shop and Design Services
Anoka-Hennepin School District 2727 N Ferry St . Anoka , MN 55303 763-506-1000
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VOL 35 NO 3
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Director Anna Dirkswager District 4 : Andover , Ham Lake , Nowthen , Oak Grove , Ramsey 763-506-5847
Board Chair Marci Anderson
District 2 : Blaine , eastern Coon Rapids 763-433-4150
Vice Chair Nicole Hayes District 5 : Brooklyn Center , Brooklyn Park , south / southern Coon Rapids , Fridley 763-433-4151
Non-Profit Org . U . S . Postage PAID Anoka , Minnesota Permit No . 40
Director Erin Heers-McArdle
District 1 : Andover , Anoka , western Coon Rapids , Ramsey 763-506-4795
Elected officials are listed here by the Anoka-Hennepin School District for informational purposes only .
Superintendent – David Law 763-506-1002 david . law @ ahschools . us
Anoka-Hennepin School District , in compliance with current statutes and regulations , and in recognition of its obligation to provide equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons within its jurisdiction , affirms that it will not discriminate on actual or perceived race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , disability , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , age , family care leave status or veteran status .
Upon request , Anoka-Hennepin will endeavor to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals ( staff , students and their families , and community members ) with disabilities so they can participate in the district ’ s programs , services and activities . Individuals with disabilities should notify the American with Disabilities Act coordinator or contact their building principal if they have a disability requiring special assistance or services and , if so , what services are required . This notification should occur as far in advance as possible of the school-sponsored function , program or meeting . Students who are disabled consistent with the definitions set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 will be identified , evaluated and provided free and appropriate public education , regardless of the severity of their handicap .
All applicants and employees seeking employment with Anoka-Hennepin , will receive equal opportunities . This applies to all areas of employment including hiring , discharge , promotion , compensation , facilities , or privileges of employment .
Prepared and paid for by the Anoka-Hennepin School District . 2727 N Ferry St ., Anoka , MN 55303 . This document is not on behalf of any candidate or ballot question .
Treasurer Bill Harvey
District 3 : Champlin , southwestern Coon Rapids , Dayton 763-506-7743
Clerk Jeff Simon District 6 : southwestern Andover , northern Coon Rapids 763-506-7742

Graduate spotlight :

Champlin Park graduate now COVID-19 infectious disease epidemiologist

Dr . Angela Ulrich describes herself as a nerd , having had a keen interest in science and math .
“ I very vividly remember seeing this as a positive thing for the first time when I attended Girls Math and Science Camp when I was ( at Dayton Elementary School ),” she said . “ I loved being encouraged to ask questions and to be curious , and loved learning how to make careful observations about the world .”
Today , the 2005 Champlin Park High School ( CPHS ) graduate uses her love of math and science , along with that curiosity and ability to make careful observations , in her role on the frontlines of COVID-19 research . Ulrich is an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy ( CIDRAP ) at the University of Minnesota , which works to prevent illness and death from infectious disease threats .
“ To say that [ we ] have been busy is an understatement ,” Ulrich said . “ My role is to both conduct research about COVID-19 , and to help translate other scientific research so that the findings can be used by policy-makers and better understood by the public .”
Ulrich said she ’ s been working on a number of different projects , such as helping try to figure out how the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads between people , and what we can do as individuals and as a society to limit the spread .
“ As a researcher , I am also leading a survey of college / university students to learn more about the impact of the pandemic on young adults , a group we know is uniquely impacted ,” she said . “ I was also part of a study to test health care workers without any symptoms for COVID-19 to determine the prevalence of disease . Fortunately , in our study , we did not find any cases among health care workers who did not have symptoms .”
Ulrich said being an infectious disease epidemiologist is essentially a perfect job for her , and she credits her time in Anoka-Hennepin and at CPHS as laying the educational foundation for her success .
FALL 2021
“( CPHS ) was a place where I was encouraged to explore my interests , and I am forever grateful for my teachers who invested in both my education and me as a person ,” she said . “[ Teachers Dave Walters and
Angela Ulrich
Clark Sanders ] encouraged me to be confident , to ask questions , and to think about how I could have an impact on the world , and being on the student council was formative because I learned how to be a leader who listens and values the input of others . I am forever grateful to the ( then ) student council advisors Nancy Stafford and Michelle Weiss for their guidance , support , and care .”
After graduating from CPHS , Ulrich went to St . Olaf College . There , she says she thought about studying medicine , but decided instead to pursue public health / epidemiology . After earning her Bachelor ’ s from St . Olaf , she attended and received her Master ’ s and then PhD in epidemiology from the University of Washington in Seattle .
“ I love being an infectious disease epidemiologist because it combines my interest in biology and my training in public health with my desire to help our communities be safer and healthier places for everyone ,” Ulrich said .
Now , reflecting on her high school education experience , Ulrich did have some advice for students . “ Don ’ t be afraid to try new things . You may discover something you ’ re really passionate about that you never expected , or may discover you have skills and talents you never knew you had ,” she said . “ Find something you ’ re excited about and ask as many questions as you can , ask for advice and ask people for
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