Newsletter_Winter_2022_FINAL-min | Page 8

Species Spotlight

Saving the Pygmy Hippopotamus

The lush Upper Guinean Forest of West Africa is one of the most threatened forests on Earth . Just 100 years ago , the forest covered most of Liberia , Sierra Leone , Ghana and Côte d ’ Ivoire . Now , more than 80 % of that forest has been lost to population growth , development , resource extraction and agriculture , but it remains a conservation priority for its incredible biodiversity and endemism .
Hiding in forest swamps by day and grazing on plants by night , the Pygmy Hippopotamus ( EN ) is endemic to the region . This shy , nocturnal mammal depends on the swamps , water and lowland forest for its survival . Unlike its cousin , the Common Hippo , that lives in groups called “ bloats ,” Pygmy Hippos are solitary and require individual territories of at least half a square mile to thrive .
With the destruction and fragmentation of the forest , the Pygmy Hippo has lost nearly 75 % of its range . Recent surveys indicate that fewer than 2,500 individuals remain in the wild , the majority found in Liberia , with smaller isolated populations in Côte d ’ Ivoire , Sierra Leone and Guinea .
Protection of the remaining intact forest in Liberia is a priority to protect the Pygmy Hippo and other endemics found here , including the Western Chimpanzee ( CR ).
Rainforest Trust has committed $ 3,024,529 that will ensure protection for 1,766,054 acres of forested land in Liberia when our projects are complete . Our newest project , with partner The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation , will establish the Krahn- Bassa National Park to protect 550,000 acres of old-growth rainforests and swamps — ideal habitat for the Pygmy Hippo .
pygmy hippopotamus | santagig
top baby pygmy hippopotamus | tristan tan