Newsletter vol 1 | Page 4

When so asks what Alternativi is all about its quite hard to answer but in the moment when you see the change in s.o, the smile and the light on one`s no longer think of an explanation!!

Alternativi International is a youth non governmental organization in Bulgaria with head office in the city of Blagoevgrad. The main object is to stimulate the personal development of young people trough non formal education. The organization is an alternative for youth to get the chance to realize their potential and to become active part of the society. Alternativi International is established by young people seeking the positive change for youth in the society. The association is trying to bring Europe and the opportunities that it gives closer to young people and to give them a chance to be a part of united Europe.

Alternativi International is giving you the unique chance to take the chance to make a change, to take part in various local, national and international events such as seminars, exchanges, trainings, etc which will give you the most precious thing in life-EXPERIENCE!