Newsletter_Spring_2022_Digital-min | Page 21

Voices on the Ground :

Rudi Putra | Strategic Conservation Advisor for FKL

Common purpose among uncommon heroes in Indonesia

Rudi Putra has overcome nearly insurmountable odds to achieve extraordinary conservation success in the 6-million-acre Leuser Ecosystem in Indonesia . A born leader , he has built effective partnerships among multiple diverse groups of people to save imperiled species from powerful commercial interests and criminals that threaten to destroy them . The work is never done , but it is in capable hands .
Rudi ’ s secret weapon is at once powerful and fundamental : he listens to people , one by one , taking time to build trust , and then inspires them to a common purpose . In this case , saving one of Asia ’ s last magnificent rainforests .
The Leuser ecosystem lies on the westernmost island of Indonesia in the province of Aceh , Sumatra . It is the last place on Earth where orangutans , rhinos , elephants and tigers coexist in the wild with hundreds of other rare species — like the Helmeted Hornbill ( CR ), Lar Gibbon ( EN ) and Sun Bear ( VU )— that face persistent threats , especially from illegal oil palm plantations . This carbon-rich landscape is the source of water and livelihood for over 4 million people .
Fascinated from an early age by wildlife — especially the Sumatran Rhino ( CR )— Rudi led communities in dismantling over 1,200 acres of illegal oil palm plantations early in his career . “ I brought together local community members , village chiefs , NGOs and government to advocate for Leuser ,” Rudi said . “ We had to start small building support for conservation .”
“ The poachers are on alert now that we are out here ,” Rudi said . “ Our next step is to expand the team so we are covering 100 % of Leuser and creating more jobs for local people .”
In 2014 , Rudi was awarded the Goldman Environmental Award honoring grassroots environmental heroes for his conservation victories and for bringing worldwide attention to the destruction of the Leuser Ecosystem .
Since 2016 , Rainforest Trust has partnered with FKL to protect 4,000 acres of critical habitat that is an important wildlife corridor for the Endangered Asian Elephant and other at-risk species . We have supported FKL to strengthen their collaborative programs , document the rich biodiversity of Leuser , and employ local people to manage and patrol the forest .
“ I never believed that we could achieve this success in protecting the Leuser ecosystem ,” Rudi Putra said . “ This work is very hard and it takes time . I thank Rainforest Trust for keeping the faith . We have achieved great things together .”
In 2013 , Rudi established Forum Konservasi Leuser ( FKL ) or Leuser Conservation Forum , a local nonprofit that has grown significantly in both size and impact , now employing 400 local people . FKL Wildlife Protection Rangers patrol 80 % of the Leuser rainforest . Since 2017 , they have reduced by 80 % the number of snares that threaten endangered wildlife .