Newsletter October 2023 | Page 8


Financial Update


The Glenview Park District is a non-home rule district and is , therefore , subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law ( PTELL ). This means that the tax-capped funds in the tax levy cannot be increased by more than the increase to the consumer price index in the prior year or 5 %, whichever is lower . The District can , however , levy for new growth on the tax rolls . Capturing all new construction ensures that an increase in taxes will be spread across existing properties , including new properties .
From 2010 to 2023 , the District has levied less than the tax-capped increase 8 times , reducing the tax levy by $ 4.1M .
12 % 10 % 8 % 6 % 4 % 2 % 0 % -2%
CPI Increase versus GPD Tax Increase
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CPI Increase
How much of my taxes go to the Glenview Park District ? Approximately 7.9 % of your total property tax bill are paid to the Glenview Park District . Taxes represent 58.1 % of the District ’ s budgeted revenue . The District does not have the ability to enact or collect revenue from other tax sources as home rule entities are able to do , such as the Village of Glenview which manages important services like police and fire . The remaining revenue comes from charges for services , grants , and donations . The District receives approximately 36.1 % of its budgeted revenue in charges for services each year from program registrations , memberships , league fees , facility rentals , equipment rentals , product sales and special events . The District also frequently applies for and receives State and Federal grants to help pay for large projects . Most recently , we received a State grant of $ 400,000 for the playground at Wagner Farm and a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant of $ 480,000 to preserve 1.24 acres of green space for public use at The Grove .