FEAS trending posts on social media
Konstantin Saroyan, Secretary General of FEAS, was invited to Civilnet's interview with Mark Dovich
to talk about the importance of Armenia’s sole stock exchange and explain why Armenia’s markets have been so slow to develop over the years. He also discussed the need to improve corporate governance in Armenia. CivilNet is an independent online media and television platform with a focus on Armenia’s democratic and economic development. CivilNet’s reporting, which reaches more than 11 mln people annual
"Borsa City" Comic book is now available in 4 languages.
Visit comics.feas.org for more details.
annually, and day-to-day bases is covering culture, politics, business, and technology news.
FinCast, a new initiative in Armenian podcast universe focusing on finance, investments and how to manage personal finance. Having financial education as one of the main pillars of FEAS activities, FEAS Secretary General participated in the first episode of FinCast. The first topic of FinCast was about the investment: what, where and how to invest. Mainly focusing on the issues of Armenian market, Konstantin told about the capital market in Armenia, shares, IPOs,
alternative investments which are not that much popular in Armenia.
The podcast is in Armenian to support local community and dive deep into the topics, business image, corporate securities, the potential of the IT sector to participate in the capital market, and as a final infrormation, Konstantin presented the activities of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges, its mission and goals.