Working Committee of FEAS made changes in task forces format and in 2023 it transformed into case study presentations.
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Damascus Securities Exchange shared the experience of treasury stocks: the process when the company purchases its own stocks. Obstacles are covering the number of buybacks, period and the price.
The Iranian government initiated the 'Justice Shares' Release Scheme to accelerate privatization. Challenges included implementing KYC procedures for new investors and managing the surge in inquiries as shareholders actively managed their share portfolios, alongside addressing the potential risk of an oversupply of "Justice Shares" in shareholders' portfolios.
Armenia Securities Exchange introduced the AMXTrader, a modern trading system on March 20, 2023. The new system addresses previous challenges of separate primary and secondary trading platforms, lack of segregation between brokers and dealers, and the inability for individuals to connect directly for trading
The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) has launched a portal, with Percival's assistance, enabling investors and brokers to manage orders directly. This move aims to enhance the level of service for investors and encourage their participation in the capital market while addressing security and usability challenges.