exchanging presents with the general director of
the hosting Exchange Musat Securities Market.
Feas secretary general gives feas membership certificates.
Feas secretary general gives feas membership certificates.
The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchange Alongside With Armenia Securities Exchange Rings the Bell for Gender Equality
On July 15th, 2021, The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS), alongside with its members from Iran, held the “Meet the Market with FEAS | The Iranian Capital Market” virtual event.
Dr. Konstantin Saroyan, FEAS Secretary General said: “Thanks to all our members from Iran, for their active participation in today’s event. Thanks for giving us valuable insights related to Investment Opportunities in Iran and Capital Market Operations in general.
This is the fourth time we are organizing the Meet the Market event for FEAS Members! I would like to thank all the participants for joining us today, to discover the Iranian Capital Market. FEAS works for its Members, so stay tuned to FEAS, as we continue to develop our mission, to promote cooperation, development, collaboration and promotion of our members”.
Dr. Ali Sahraee, TSE CEO said: “Iran’s huge potential in different sectors of the economy and the resources accessible in the country provide a rarely untouched investment opportunity. Tehran Stock Exchange represents most of our economic sectors, and we make all demanding efforts required to provide the facilities and infrastructures for the market’s transparency, integrity and liquidity, as well as helping enterprises financing, protecting all stakeholders’ interests and considering future requirements”.
Mr. Amir Hamooni, IFB CEO said: “Thanks FEAS for organizing this event. They are doing great bringing FEAS region Markets into the highlight. Wish all the participants and the secretariat itself best of luck in their endeavor”.
Mr. Hossein Fahimi, CSDIran CEO said: “Opening trading accounts, registry, depository, safekeeping of securities, risk management, clearing & settlement, corporate actions (like dividend distribution) and such alike are among the main services that CSDI offers. The important and decisive role CSDI plays in these areas has made this company the only depository in Iran and one of the major players in the
Iranian capital market.”
Meet the Market event