Newsletter October 2020, Issue 3 | Page 6


13 New interviews in previous 3 months

FEAS new interview series with FEAS members. The interviews are about FEAS Member organizations ongoing projects, key strategic initiatives and the impact of Covid-19.

Each week FEAS Secretariat publishes one interview. Follow our interviews with #FEASTalks hashtag on social media and feel free to share your feedback with us.


FEAS Secretariat work from home dynamics

2020 is all about new challenges and difficulties, and how you will overcome these challenges will define how ready you are for rapid changes. Of course changes are hard, and it becomes harder to adapt to those changes when it’s not only about you, but it is literally about everyone you interact with. Looking back at how we started the year, we definitely haven’t even imagined what we should be doing today. When you are working in busy offices, in an active community with daily meetings, calls and never-ending discussions, changing from

this routine to Work From Home routine can cause several moral issues, and not only. I bet at least once during your career you told yourself how you feel jealous about the people working from home. A wise man once said, that you should be careful with your dreams, they have the ability to come true. And, whether you want it or not, you are home, and you are your own “office manager”, “office cleaning person”, “the person who you admire at the office”, “the person who is late from the work”, etc., etc. And how you will manage all these “people” inside you to work together, depends on what kind of worker you are while at the office. And maybe only now you will realize the hard work done by your office manager, it's hard managing so many different personalities right?

It's been already four weeks that FEAS Secretariat is working from home. Here are some tips that we find helpful to concentrate on work

- Make your bed right after you wake up. Some of you might not find this relevant, but for people whose working desk is nearly 5 meters away from the bed, this should be the very first rule to follow. Otherwise, you know, especially during the hot summer months, the bed seems the most comfortable place during the daytime.

- Get up, dress up!

Pijamas are not a good choice for office outfit. The fight is real to find motivation to work, when you are sitting literally 5 meters away from your comfortable bed, but, we have what we have. Not suggesting you wear high heels,or classy suits, but at least changing your pajamas with some causey outfit.

- Even if you are working from home, put a specific lunch time for you. Eating at different hours each day, may cause lack of concentration on your work. Knowing your specific lunch times for each day can help organize your work properly.

- Coffee breaks.

More coffee. And one more, please. As I mentioned for the lunch times, the same tactic (let’s give it some serious word) should be applied for coffee breaks, otherwise, again, you lose your concentration.

*Interviews are put in chronological order: Oldest First.