Frontier, FEAS Newsletter, September 2017
Newsletter from the Federation of
Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges
November 2017
FEAS 24th Annual General Assembly
Took Place in Yerevan, Armenia
This year FEAS organized its 24th Annual General Assembly in Yerevan, Armenia. The Secretariat of
FEAS hosted more than 40 participants from almost 20 countries of the world.
The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges In 2017 FEAS held its 24th Annual General
(FEAS) was established on May 16, 1995, in Assembly (GA), as well as its Board and Working
Istanbul by 12 founding Exchanges. The purpose of Committee Meetings on 1-3 November, in Yerevan,
the Federation is to contribute to the cooperation, Armenia.
development, support, and promotion of capital
markets in Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean
On May 16, 2017, during the Extraordinary General
Assembly Meeting of the Federation held in Tehran,
Headquarter from Istanbul, Turkey to Yerevan,
Armenia. After 22 years of operation in Turkey, the This GA was the first one after moving the
General Assembly elected Armenia as the new host Headquarter of the Federation to Armenia and was
country for the FEAS's Headquarter. of high importance both for FEAS Secretariat and for
Currently, there are 36 members from 22 countries: FEAS Members.
19 full members, 7 affiliate members, 4 observers
and 5 partners including post-trade institutions,
dealers associations and regional federations.
The first day of meetings - November 2, started with
the Board Meeting and continued with the sessions
of Working Committee (WoCo) Meetings.