Just about every broker or agent has their own style. Some are extroverts, some are laid back. Some are fun and flamboyant, some are cool, calm and collected. But when successful agents are interviewed, these six habits are a very common theme.
November 2016
So what makes a successful agent?
The first thing is always passion. It's a hard business and it takes a lot of attention to detail and a commitment to great customer service. In talking with agents you will notice the truly great agents all share the attributes pointed out in this article.
They return calls and emails at lightning speed
These are the people that get a lead and don't let it go. They immediately make contact and they follow up. They answer any questions and are happy to stay on the phone with nervous clients. They are the warriors of email, text, and phone and they keep that rhythm right up through the whole transaction.
Their clients feel like they are very important to the agent. They also switch their communivation style to match the client - by mirroring the clients communication style you make them feel more comfortable.
They are up on the latest technology
They are iPad toter and smartphone addicts. They do everything from anywhere.
They don't just have a tablet
and a smartphone; they make sure they have great data plans
so they are never stuck without
an internet connection. They
try to go paperless as much as possible. They read a lot of information both about the real estate industry but also about ->