Why Must I Go to School?
When you think about school, what do you think about? It‘s a safe guess that you think of seeing your friends. Maybe you
really like your teacher, or one of your teachers if you have several. You might like one of the subjects that you are
learning about, and look forward to learning more. However, it is also possible that you are bored or disinterested. Maybe you have an unhappy life at home, so you just don‘t feel like trying to learn. You might have a hard time believing that
school is necessary. Whatever your feelings,
there are real good reasons for learning all of
those stuff.
Let‘s look ahead a bunch of years. Regardless
of what your childhood is like, no matter how
much you hate a certain subject, someday you
are going to be a grown up. Someday, you are
going to have to get a job and earn money to
support yourself. What kind of a job do you
think you will get if you do not try to learn as
much as you can about a lot of different
things? At the end of it all you have to be
somebody in your society/ community.
School can get you closer to a better you.
Grade 12 Life Card Ceremony – 29 January 2016
In this ceremony the Grade 12 learners pledge to do their best in their studies so that they could attain
the personal and academic goals they have set for themselves.