Newsletter June Newsletter-2 | Page 10

THE SECRET BEHIND THE NORTHERN LIGHTS By Sanduni Dissanayake NATURE ' S MAGIC SHOW We have all heard of the magnificent northern lights (also called the aurora) or at least seen it on TV or displays. Looking at the northern lights it’s hard to imagine that nature can produce such beautiful flowing ribbons of colors. In the past, people have had various opinions on what these magical bands of lights were. One common thought that originated from the Eskimos was that the lights were dancing spirits of animals; this idea was used in the creation of the animated movie called Brother Bear in 2003. With the rapid expansion of our knowledge, we have come to understand exactly how these beautiful lights are born out of nature. Unfortunately, we can only witness this magic show from certain areas on earth and there’s a good reason for this. These lights are called the northern lights because they can only be seen in regions close to the north pole, however, there are also southern lights but are not widely known for its not as accessible as the northern lights. They can be seen 66.5 degrees north and south of equatorial region and just like stars, the northern lights are only visible at night. This nature’s magic show actually starts a long way away from us, at the sun. Our sun is made up of highly charged particles called ions. Every now and then the sun emits high energy radiation containing ions from regions called sunspots in the form of solar flares. These events throw out charged particles into the space. While a part of these particles travel deep into space, some of these charged particles come in our direction and interfere with our magnetic field. JUNE 2017 | 10