Newsletter June 2024 | Page 8

There is a great deal that goes into the restoration of an ecosystem : both sites require annual controlled burns conducted in spring and summer , which require diligent planning , preparation and execution by Park District staff . Spring amphibian surveys begin to monitor the populations of these sensitive animals . Plants must be ordered for The Grove ’ s annual plant sale ( this year featuring all native species !) and for the enhancement of our natural areas . Winter activities such as brush clearing and seed spreading will be wrapped up in the anticipation of a successful growing season . Each year brings about delicate changes to these landscapes in the name of biodiversity and oh , what a joy it is to witness ! Come see it for yourself ! ▪

Restoring Nature in Glenview

All across America on any given day , there are dedicated stewards working passionately on the land . From lighting prescribed fires and combating invasive species to solving erosion issues , monitoring animals of all kinds , and planting native flowers , grasses and trees , these stewards are hard at work to ensure that the health of our native ecosystems remain intact for future generations – human and non-human . Here in our very own Glenview Parks , it is no different . The Glenview Park District has the incredible honor of hosting two Illinois Nature Preserves , The Grove National Historic Landmark and Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie . Both of these sites have a dedicated crew of staff and volunteers working to preserve ecological diversity to serve as a safe haven for critters , flood mitigation , and to bring beauty to the eyes of the beholders .
Glenview once was a part of a vast mosaic of prairie communities with sporadic oak-hickory savannas , ecosystems created and maintained by fire . Oceans of tall grasses sprinkled with wildflowers , over-shadowed by ancient oaks , strike a stunning picture in one ’ s mind . While it is tempting to restore the land to an image of the past , such a task is impossible , for nature only moves forward and never backwards . Therefore , restoration efforts need to loosen the notion of an idealistic Eden of the past ; but rather pursue a realistic balance , with the grace of ebb and flow .
Meredith Suangka
Natural Resources Manager at The Grove
Meredith began at The Grove in 2008 as a part time programmer , and fell in love with restoration work . She went on to get a Bachelor ’ s degree in Plant and Soil Science at Southern Illinois University and spent two seasons getting experience at the Chicago Botanic Garden . She became the Park District ’ s Natural Resources Manager in 2016 . Her role includes stewarding the natural areas of The Grove ’ s 150 acres and assisting with restoration work at Air Station Prairie .
Presently , nature has a lot to contend with at the hands of humans . Manicured lawns , non-native ornamental landscaping , the onslaught of invasive species and excessive land development all impede on the success of native plants and animals so much that you rarely can find them outside designated natural areas . Conservation ensures that these spaces are retained , and restoration ensures that these spaces provide functional habitats for the critters that use them . It is these areas of refuge are the stronghold of biodiversity and ecosystem strength .

There is a great deal that goes into the restoration of an ecosystem : both sites require annual controlled burns conducted in spring and summer , which require diligent planning , preparation and execution by Park District staff . Spring amphibian surveys begin to monitor the populations of these sensitive animals . Plants must be ordered for The Grove ’ s annual plant sale ( this year featuring all native species !) and for the enhancement of our natural areas . Winter activities such as brush clearing and seed spreading will be wrapped up in the anticipation of a successful growing season . Each year brings about delicate changes to these landscapes in the name of biodiversity and oh , what a joy it is to witness ! Come see it for yourself ! ▪

Want to lend a hand to our restoration work at The Grove or Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie ? We offer community restoration work days year-round ! Contact grove . volunteers @ glenviewparks . org for more information .