Newsletter July 2014 | Page 6

6 THE RAMBLINGS OF THE RIDE CO-ORDINATOR G’Day Members, I must start this months column with something completely unprecedented1, an APOLOGY. For those of you who, on my encouragement had planned to attend the Cobargo exhibition “Demystifying Death and Funerals”, I am sorry. I went on Saturday and it was most disappointing. I therefore cancelled the trip at short notice. Unfortunately, with Kate being away I was unable to get the email out to all members. In atonement, I have undertaken a program of seven days of self criticism. There are a couple of innovations that I am trying to introduce to our rides. Firstly, I want to encourage members to write reviews of the various cafes, etc that we attend. I have kicked the ball off with a review of Tandoori King in Bega. You should find it somewhere in this issue. Secondly, I’m trying to get you members to write a report following each ride. It has worked so far with a couple of contributions from participants. Now all I have to do is get more riders attending. I am trying to put together a mega run for those members who are interested. My original idea was to visit the National Motorcycle Museum at Nabiac, North of Newcastle. A couple of members said that they would also like to do some of the noted bike roads in the area such as the Oxley Highway and Thunderbolts Way. Finally, it was mentioned that there is The Lions Road TT Festival of Motorcycling in the Gold Coast hinterland on 4-6 October. Then the objections ________________________________________________________________________ 1 I am of course relying on our collecƟve memories suffering as a result of old age, excessive drinking and falling on our heads too oŌen. starting being raised: Some riders will take longer to get there; Others don’t have enough time; Some don’t want to go that far; etc, etc, etc. What I will attempt to design a flexible run. People will be able to pick and choose when they leave and what parts they go to. It is NOT compulsory! If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. I will not be making accommodation bookings or bookings of any kind. I will try to find suitable venues for us. I am seeking expressions of interest to make sure that it is worth the effort, so let me know if you think you would like to go. Some relevant websites are shown below: The highlight of the Upcoming Rides is a trip to Grahams’ place in Bemboka. He is going to roast a leg of lamb or two in his Webber and serve it up as sandwiches. We will depart HoWeRoll at 1130 on23 July. If possible let him know if you are coming so he can do the planning. BMW:- The ONLY bike that blondes can spell! Bruce By Appointment Ride Co-ordinator to the Sapphire Coast Branch of the Ulysses Club 0419 316 612 or [email protected]