Newsletter December 2019, Issue 4 | Page 5

December 2019


exchanging presents with the general director of

the hosting Exchange Musat Securities Market.

Feas secretary general gives feas membership certificates.

Feas secretary general gives feas membership certificates.

Boursa Kuwait has a deep conviction that visibility is a pivotal market driver set to

reaffirm the investors’ informed decisions. In order to improve such a driver, Boursa

Kuwait supplies investors with quarterly and annual updates of e-income statements,

balance sheets, cash flow statements and financial ratios, as well as daily updates on a

number of ratios according to closing price, and charting and comparability capabilities

through its many partners.

Boursa Kuwait has also been active with regional and international roadshows and

corporate days, raising awareness about emerging investment opportunities in the

Kuwaiti capital market while showcasing its attractive and diverse issuer base as well as

the recent milestones in its market development journey.

3. In what ways can Boursa Kuwait encourage further diversification of issuers and local investors?

- Boursa Kuwait is keen to diversify and develop its product portfolio in line with

international standards, taking solid steps towards continuously introducing new

products and services that address market and investor needs as well as reflecting the

pace at which Boursa Kuwait is operating and rolling out its market developments and elevating market offerings. Driven by its market development strategy, the stock

exchange is focused on infrastructural upgrades, regulatory reforms and the

diversification of offerings in a bid to improve the business environment, and expand its

issuer and investor bases.

Changes in listing requirements have helped encourage more companies to list. The free

float amount is now a fixed number, which aims to solve the previously ‘unattractive’

issuers’ base for family businesses and government entities, while the increase of total

shareholders helps address liquidity. New requirements for profitability, whereby listed

companies no longer need to show 5% of paid-up capital or 75% revenue from the

operation, just proof of operations from certified auditors, gave market participants the

opportunity to invest in newly established companies and startups.

4. What are the next steps for Boursa Kuwait and the development of the Kuwaiti capital market?

- Phases 3.2 and 4 of our Market Development plan, which we hope to launch in the next

few years, and are working with our partners in the Capital Markets Authority and the

Kuwait Clearing Company to finalize, will feature derivatives. Over the past few years, we

have made a substantial difference at the company and we continue to pioneer this journey of growth and raise the profile of the stock market regionally and internationally. We are constantly expanding our portfolio with products and services such as intentional crossing orders and omnibus accounts and offering more promising investment opportunities to increase market liquidity. At Boursa Kuwait, we strive to contribute to the development of Kuwait&'s economy and participate in the achievement of the country's development goals.