Newsletter April 2022, Issue 1 | Page 6


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Sarah Tarawneh

CEO of Securities Depository Center of Jordan

FEAS Secretariat spoke with the newly appointed CEO of Securities Depository Center of Jordan Mrs. Sarah Tarawneh about her new role, main areas of SDC Jordan development, current and biggest immediate challenges, and many more.

The interview is also available on Spotify.

Visit to Muscat

FEAS Members Iraq Stock Exchange and Muscat Stock Exchange meet in Muscat, The

Sultanate of Oman.

Special thanks Mr.  Haitham Al Salmi, CEO of Muscat Stock Exchange and Ali Aqoolee, Training Manager of Iraq Stock Exchange for sharing the insights about the meeting and

training during the live streaming with FEAS Secretariat.

The meeting was live streamed on LinkedIn, available for the FEAS Community.