Newsletter 4 - LD5 | Page 15


The Merry Cemetery from Săpânța is unique . A creation of local folk artist Stan Ioan Pătraș , the cemetery has painted crosses adorned with satirical epitaphs , revealing the deceased ’ s message for the living world . This joyful attitude towards death comes from the Dacians , Romanian ’ s ancestors , who believed death was only a passage to a better life .



It has the largest population of brown bears outside of Russia . Approximately 6000 live in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains , out of a total of 200.000 worldwide .
It has the highest stone sculpture in Europe - On Danube ’ s banks , carved in stone , is the statue of the former Dacian ruler and ancestor of the Romanians , Decebal . Sculpted by 12 alpinist-sculptors over a period of 10 years , the statue is 55 meters ( 180 feet ) tall
