Newsletter (2017-2018) January 2018 Newsletter | Page 20
Is the Old Taylor
Swift Really, Really
A review of Taylor Swift’s sixth studio album,
Reputation (2017), and an analysis of her career.
By Sing Cheung
Wonder Woman, portrayed by Gal Gadot in the most
recent Hollywood adaptation, has emerged as a femi-
nist icon. Despite the character’s influence, Ser argues
more can be done in film to promote gender equality.
Despite these reforms, typical female stereo-
types are still employed by the entertainment
industry. Many might see the film Wonder Wom-
an to be a feminist icon, but it has only partially
changed the female stereotype. The lead female
is still fit and beautiful with long hair, thereby
fitting a certain beauty standard. The costume
of Wonder Woman is also more revealing than
male superheroes. Moreover, a major part of her
character is defined by her relationship with the
male partner. In the final battle, her true power
is triggered by the death of her love interest. It
shows that the media has a long way to go in
portraying women more authentically, and as an
audience, we need to consider the messages that
are delivered through pop culture.
Gauntlett, D. (2010). Media, gender and identity: an
introduction. London: Routledge.
Trier-Bieniek, A., & Leavy, P. (2014). Gender &
Pop Culture. Sense Publishers.
“The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right
now… Why? Oh, ‘cause she’s dead,” sang Taylor
Swift in one of her newest hits, “Look What You
Made Me Do.”
I bet her name needs no introduction. She has
always been on the homepage of YouTube, and
her signature break-up anthems are always on
Spotify’s Top Hits playlist. Emerging from her
roots in country and country-pop music, she has
gradually shifted genres more solidly to pop.
This dramatic change has not been seen as an
act of treachery by Swifties, i.e. her fans; rather it
helped her garner a wider fan base. Nobody can
deny the fact that she is indeed a game changer
who definitely knows how to play the game in
the music industry.
The reason why I decided to write about Taylor
is that the wait for her sixth album is finally over
and Reputation is now out! I was excited about
the album before its release and could tell she
would absolutely go beyond her last album 1989
Venus is an English
education major studying
at EdUHK. She is one of
the student writers for the
monthly newsletter.
One of Taylor Swift’s looks in her music video for
“Look What You Made Me Do”. Her attitude and
style are noticeably darker than in her earlier years.
(Screenshot: YouTube/TaylorSwiftVEVO)