Newsletter (2017-2018) February 2018 Newsletter | Page 10
Finding the Philosophy of Happiness
in Nepal
By Yetta Zhuo
At the end of 2017, I joined the Education Uni-
versity’s leadership programme with fourteen
other students. The destination was Nepal -- a
small country which has always been at the
forefront of the index of happiness. With high
expectations, we set out from Hong Kong and
transferred flights in India. After a long wait, we
finally arrived in Kathmandu, the capital of Ne-
pal. After getting off the plane, the dazzling sun-
light greeted us, and my mood became brighter
along with it. We took our luggage, sat on the
bus, and headed to the camp house. However,
the streets along the road were not as clean and
tidy as I had imagined. We had to close the win-
dow in case the dust flew into the bus. Through
the window, I observed local people’s clothing
and the shops along the streets, wondering how
people could be happy living in such conditions.
I became even more curious about this country
than I was before.
India the biggest exporter to Nepal.
In contemporary society, the economy in Nepal
still depends on agriculture, which makes Ne-
pal a developing country. One of