Newsletter (2017-2018) April 2018 Newsletter | Page 4
Belinda Zhou
International Tutor
Welcome to the April issue of the newsletter! It is starting to feel more and more like summer––the
only thing between you and the summer holidays are a couple of exams and final papers.
Before the student section of the issue, you’ll see some highlights from the second annual
TEDxEdUHK. The half-day conference featured seven speakers––two students, two EdUHK pro-
fessors, and three external speakers––presenting on the topic of “life-long learning”.
The theme of the student-written section of this issue is “growing up”. While this term may make
many of us think back on our childhood and adolescence, there is still a lot of “growing up” to do
even after reaching the age of eighteen. There continue to be challenges and moments of growth
throughout our lives. The articles in this issue approach different aspects of this process, in both
personal and inventive ways.
Mon, a new contributor to the newsletter, opens the issue with an article about learning to be in-
dependent from her parents, contrasting her childhood and present-day reaction to being injured.
Zhuofan similarly focuses on her relationship with her parents and how she has come to better un-
derstand them. Continuing on about relationships, Yetta writes about important friends in her life
and how they have accompanied her through different stages of life.
Shifting from personal narratives to music, Sing shares how pop singer Lorde’s work speaks to the
universal experience of growing up and adolescence. Tyler also writes about how a musical expe-
rience brought people together, only to have them eventually grow apart. In Philip’s short story,
music and coffee inspire a career man to look at his life differently. Finally, Mike finishes the issue
with his sometimes “reckless” way of thinking and how growing up has led to more restrictions.
If you would be interested in writing an article for the newsletter, you are welcome to contact us.
Please look at the final page of the newsletter for more information.
Thank you again to David Brown of the CLE for co-editing these articles.
Enjoy the issue, and best of luck this exam season!
APRIL 2018