TLT 2018
Tenby Leadership Trek
For me, my group was assigned to a game where the students had to answer questions and if they obtain less than 2 mistakes, flour will not be thrown to them and their marks increases. It is safe to say that everyone enjoyed being ‘flour-ed’ by us.
- Aina Shebica
We had problems but we managed to overcome it. for example, the age gap between the students and some people cheated during the games but in the end we managed to overcome it as everyone seemed happy.
-Jaz Sim Mingyen
The event went as planned, we played some activities such as chasing people people around in horror makeup. The game was personally my favourite because it was fun for everyone.
- Natalie Wong Hwei Ming
i was in charge of games and stations to take care of to ensure the participation of students. At first, the students were not interested but after awhile, they enjoyed each others company.
-Fatin Amili
This event was conducted by prefects with hard work and dedication. we hope that the students will appreciate the prefect's hard work even more by joining.