News on the Horizon May 2015 | Page 3

Girl Scouts—Dakota Horizons wants to hear what you've been doing.

Snap a picture of your Girl Scout, Troop or Volunteer and share it with us for an entry into our monthly drawing to win $10 to your local GSDH Retail Store.

Stories will be shared on Social Media as a way to share ideas and inspire other Girl Scouts by your example.

Email your picture to [email protected] with a description or fill out the online form here.


Join us to recognize the impact and achievements that girls and volunteers have made in

Girl Scouting and their local communities.

SW April 26 2:00 – 4:00 PM Arrowhead Country Club, Rapid City, SD

NE April 26 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Speedway Event Center, Fargo, ND

SE May 3 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sioux Falls Convention Center, Sioux Falls, SD

NW May 4 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Grand Hotel, Minot, ND

Award recipients will receive an invite and registration information in

the mail at the end of March.

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Hannah Brickson’s Girl Scout Gold Award project addressed the decline of memory in senior citizens, with a key focus on prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. Hannah worked with Thief River Falls Care Center, Oakland Park Nursing Home, Greenleaf Assisted Living and Valley Home to supply their residents with iPads, Luminosity App subscriptions and comprehensive “Memory Box” 25 day programs.

Each girl has been able to increase their problem solving and leadership skills at their level. The girls’ mother, Laura Brickson said, “Working on their projects has forced them to interact more with the public on professional levels and understand the importance of making a plan and following through.

I know that in the end with all three girls, especially with Hannah and her Gold Award, there was a huge sense of accomplishment when they succeeded in reaching their goals. It wasn’t always easy – life, school, friends and jobs would get in the way, but it really was a growing experience for them!”

All three girls were very encouraging of each other and supported each other when it appeared that someone needed a little motivation. Earning the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards is something they will always be able to look back upon with pride and satisfaction. Laura said, “Eleanor, Grace and Hannah would like to thank everyone for their support throughout the entire process.”