Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 82

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Given these issues, it is important that the Comprehensive Plan provides goals and policies to strengthen and protect Newport’s neighborhoods. Newport has identified 19 neighborhoods, all of which have their own character and identity. Together, these neighborhoods help create the social fabric that makes the city so unique. This section describes and examines each of the 19 neighborhoods. It should be noted that for purposes of this plan, the term “neighborhood” is being used broadly and includes not just conventional single family home areas, but defined areas with mixed and institutional uses as well. Map 6-1 shows the location of each neighborhood. The City of Newport zoning ordinance includes a historic zoning district category. The purpose of historic district zoning is to protect the city’s historic assets and to guide new growth in ways that enrich and maintain Newport's sense of place and authentic historic character. The historic district zoning overlay is shown on Map 3-4. The city also has a historic district recognized by the National Register of Historic Places. This district is shown on Map 11-1 and differs from the historic zoning district. More in-depth information about the cultural and historic landmarks mentioned in this chapter can be found in Chapter 11, Historic and Cultural Resources. 6.1 Existing Conditions Neighborhoods Broadway The Broadway neighborhood is oriented to this major arterial street and extends from the Middletown line southerly to Marlborough Street. The “width” of the neighborhood varies co