Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 74

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Table 5-13 - Low/ Moderate Income Housing and Tax Assessment for Developments in the City of Newport Development Name 171 Broadway / Cranston Apartments AHEPA 245 APT. Clarke School Housing Coddington Point Cranston Ave Gibbs Avenue Girard St. Harbor House Lawrence Apts Mumford Manor Fifty Washington Square Newport Heights Phases I-III Newport Heights Phase IV Bayside Village Broadway West Burnside Avenue Callener Avenue Page 5-20 Owner Statewide Affordable Housing AHEPA 245 Inc Clark School LP EAF Newport Church Community Housing Church Communit y Housing Church Community Housing Harbour House Housing William and Linda Canning 39 Farewell LP Fifty Square LTD Trinity Managem ent / Housing Pinnacle Properties / Housing Bayside Village Associates West Broadway Associates Church Community Housing Church Community Taxes as Tax Tax Annual Assess- Assessed % of Estimate Estimate Taxes Per Potential ment in Value Per Potential at Res at Com Affordable Taxes Units Rent thousands Unit Assessed Rent Rate Rate Apartment 12 $112,501 $732 $60,967 $11,874 10.55% $11,874 $989.50 82 $541,428 $3,407 $41,550 $55,297 10.21% $55,297 $674.36 56 $580,732 $2,501 $44,661 $40,591 6.99% $40,591 $724.85 32 $486,003 $2,204 $68,878 $25,810 5.31% $25,810 2 $40,128 $308 $153,800 $3,602 8.98% $3,602 4 $61,458 $450 $112,450 $7,300 11.88% $7,300 $1,825.06 4 $69,852 $447 $111,850 $7,216 10.33% $7,261 $1,804.08 31 $374,760 $1,948 $62,832 $32,051 8.55% $31,613 $1,033.9 8 $113,280 $666 $83,213 $10,804 9.54% $10,804 34 $485,152 $2,201 $64,729 $35,719 7.36% $35,719 $1,050.56 93 $955,316 $5,152 $55,398 $83,617 8.75% $83,617 $899.11 251 $2,531,508 $38,092 $151,762 $103,071 4.07% $446,060 $618,236 $410.64 37 $376,899 $4,480 $151,076 $25,137 6.67% 111 $1,233,324 $3,748 $33,769 $60,837 115 $1,669,440 $10,071 $87,571 1 $23,652 $202 2 $38,712 $257 $52,458 $806.56 $1,801 $135,054 $72,707 $679.37 4.93% $60,837 $548.08 $163,447 9.79% $163,447 $1,421.28 $201,500 $2,360 9.98% $2,360 $2,359.57 $128,550 $3,011 7.78% $3,011 $1,505.32 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)