Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 59

5 Housing Table 5-2 – City of Newport Housing Unit Type Housing Units 2000 Total 2000 Percentage of Total 2010 Total 2010 Percentage of Total 2014 Percentage of Total 2014 Total 1-unit, detached 4,935 37.3% 5,690 40.7% 5,684 43.2% 1-unit, attached 796 6.0% 734 5.3% 501 3.8% 2 units 2,224 16.8% 2,397 17.1% 1,691 12.8% 3-4 units 2,441 18.5% 2,527 18.1% 2,455 18.6% 5-9 units 1,265 9.6% 1087 7.8% 1,245 9.5% 10-19 units 596 4.5% 553 4.0% 686 5.2% 20+ units 963 7.3% 823 5.9% 893 6.8% TOTAL UNITS 13,226 100.0% 13,933 100.0% Source: 2000 U.S. Census, 2010 & 2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates 13,170 100.0% Household Size Household size correlates to the number of people living in each individual household. As noted in Table 5-3, Newport’s average persons per household are much smaller than the Town of Westerly and the State of Rhode Island as a whole. This average for Newport has been declining since 2000. With a current average household size of 2.04 and a projected population of 18,758 by 2040, Newport will only need approximately 9,195 housing units—3,975 less than the total number of housing units in 2014. Table 5-3 – Average Household Size (Persons per Household, PPH) Year Newport Westerly 2000 2.11 2.36 2010 2.05 2.30 2014 2.04 2.32 Source: 2000 & 2010 U.S. Census, 2014 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates Rhode Island 2.47 2.44 2.47 Housing Conditions Due to private and public initiatives in the last 20 years, the overall condition of housing in Newport has improved greatly; however, there is one area that deserves additional policy action: rental housing. As in other communities, Preservation and Newport has a problem with absentee landlords who do not rehabilitation activity has maintain their propert y with the same attention that an more recently occurred in the occupying owner would provide. This affects both the Broadway, Fifth Ward, Kerry activities of tenants and physical maintenance. Hill / Van Zandt and North End neighborhoods. The mix of The system to monitor and upgrade the Newport housing housing types, relative could be strengthened. Some tenants might fear reprisals if affordability, and they were to report their landlord for code violations. The socioeconomic diversity make state and city provide mechanisms to protect the rights of these areas of Newport some tenants who report code violations in their buildings. of the most attractive areas to However, this fact might not be universally known to those own or rent. who could benefit from the law. Present procedures dictate that the Newport Zoning and Inspections Division inspect a Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 5-5