Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 55

5 Housing Newport has long been regarded for its wealth of architectural history. The large number of preserved, historic structures and narrow city streets dating to the Colonial Era are admired for their connection to the past. The splendor of the Gilded Age and the grandeur of the "summer cottages" attract large numbers of visitors to the community. Spanning nearly four centuries, Newport's architectural heritage is among the richest in the nation. The diverse historic and cultural heritage, created and preserved by Newport citizens over the years, reflects the collective identity of the communit y's neighborhoods. The City of Newport has always made housing needs a priority. Since the late 1960s, Newport has faced many different housing pressures, including an enlarged population and substandard housing. The City and its leaders have taken initiatives to address these housing problems. In 1969 the Church Community Housing Corporation (CCHC) was formed and, from its early programs promoting home ownership, has served as a model in providing housing opportunities for Newport's residents. 5.1 Existing Conditions The Housing Authority of the City of Newport (HACN) and the Church Community Housing Corporation (CCHC) have led the successful revitalization of Newport Heights, (formerly Tonomy Hill). Located in the North End neighborhood, Tonomy Hill was one of the most distressed public housing projects in the state of Rhode Island. Originally constructed in 1939 as temporary housing for Navy personnel, the property was suffering from major structural deficiencies and outdated and inadequate mechanical systems. Additionally, the site configuration isolated residents from their neighbors and the larger community, exacerbating the already high rates of poverty, crime, substance abuse, domestic abuse and illiteracy prevalent at the site. (Source: Trinity Financial, Web. 14 Jan. 2016). Through the leadership of the City of Newport and the HACN, the area was redeveloped as Newport Heights, a mixed income community, through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), HOPE VI revitalization plan. The revitalization plan called for the demolition of 498 units of existing housing and the construction of approximately 425 units of new, mixed-income housing on the site including 100 units of home ownership housing. Currently, four of the five phases are complete at Newport Heights. Most recently, the HACN is moving forward with the complete renovation of the Park Holm residences. The redevelopment has been designed so that buildings will be configured to frame the streets and create clearly defined spaces for the residents, while also creating a sense of community indistinguishable from the private residential areas that surround Tonomy Hill. The HOPE VI plan also included an off-site component, necessary to meet the minimum one-for-one replacement of the demolished affordable units currently existing at Tonomy Hill. Phase V is currently in the construction phase. (Source: Housing Authority of the City of Newport). Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 5-1