Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 44

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Table 4-1 –Employment Statistics 2014, 2010, & 2000 Jurisdiction Newport Westerly Rhode Island Statistic 2000 2010 2014 Labor Force 15,266 15,497 15,194 Employed 12,648 13,652 12,552 Unemployed 1,033 473 821 Employment Rate 58.10% 60.80% 58.80% Unemployment Rate 4.70% 2.20% 3.80% Labor Force 11,896 12,473 11,864 Employed 11,214 11,362 10,732 Unemployed 606 1,033 966 Employment Rate 61.90% 61.20% 58.10% Unemployment Rate 3.30% 5.60% 5.20% Labor Force 534,353 564,706 568,439 Employed 500,731 515,924 511,362 Unemployed 29,859 44,627 53,671 Employment Rate 60.50% 60.30% 59.30% Unemployment Rate 3.60% 5.20% 6.20% Source: American Community Survey Industry Profile Table 4-2 provides specific employment data by industry sector for the years 2014, 2010, and 2000. The data in the table includes figures for the employed military civilians in Newport. Not surprisingly, Educational Services, Health Care, and Social Assistance is the sector that has the most employees in Newport. Newport has a number of schools, both public and private, that span all grade levels. The city also has a number of health care and social assistance facilities like the Newport Hospital and the Maher Center. Employment in Newport’s tourism industry is reflected in the Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation and Food Services sector. This sector has the second highest total employment in the City. Taken together, these two sectors (Education/Health Care and Arts & Entertainment) account for just under half of all employment in Newport. From years 2010 to 2014, 6 of the 13 sectors experienced decreases in employment. The largest of these decreases was in the Construction industry, which lost 487 employees. The total amount of jobs lost in all 6 of these sectors between 2010 and 2014 was 1,286. The 7 remaining sect ors experienced gains in employment between 2010 and 2014. The largest employment gain was in the Public Administration sector with 208. The total amount of jobs gained in these 7 sectors was 560. Thus, there was a net loss of 627 jobs in all sectors between the years 2010 and 2014. Page 4-2 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)