Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 25

2 Community Involvement Community Workshop #2 Plan Visioning This workshop was held on December 7, 2015 as part of a joint City Council / Planning Board meeting. This workshop focused on having community leadership provide direction and guidance with respect to the community’s vision for the plan horizon of 2036. In addition, input was sought regarding the level of success in accomplishing the 2004 plans objectives, which of these might still be valid to include in the 2016 plan and identifying the principal issues to be addressed in the 2016 plan. The workshop / meeting was held in a town hall format where the public was encouraged to interact with the City Council and Planning Board members as the vision statement and objectives were developed. Community Workshop #3 Existing Conditions, Goals and Policies The third community workshop focused on goals and policies that could be used to guide Newport to its ideal future state. The workshop was held on February 23, 2016 at Pell School in a town hall style and community members were asked to answer questions regarding the elements in the comprehensive plan. This was done to garner ideas that the community had about methods to tackle issues as well as to identify any additional issues or opportunities the Comprehensive Plan should address. This workshop fostered enthusiastic dialogue between community members on the key topic areas being considered for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. Stakeholder Interviews Interviews were conducted with key community groups and individuals during one week of the planning process after the initial community workshop. The purpose of the interviews was to gather insights into key issues and concerns that should be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan update. Comments from the interviewees were provided for all twelve of the elements. Groups that were represented in the interviews included, but were not limited to, several City of Newport departments, schools, a faith based organization, and various boards and commissions. City Council and Planning Board Meetings/Hearings The Planning Board had the primary project management role throughout this planning process. Subsequent to Planning Board adoption the Comprehensive Plan was transmitted to the City Council for final approval and adoption.  October 13, 2015 – Planning Board Workshop  November 2, 2015 – Planning Board meeting included the discussion and review of the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 2-3