Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 213

16 Glossary Road, Arterial – carry traffic to and from an expressways, or another arterial, and serve those major movements of traffic within or through the City. Also, arterials connect principal traffic generators within Newport. Arterials handle trips between different areas of Newport forming a skeletal transportation system. Broadway, Admiral Kalbfus Road, and Memorial Boulevard are examples of arterials. Road, Collector – serve as traffic funnels from a particular area of the Newport by linking local streets with the more major routes (arterials). Collectors are not intended to handle long trips and are generally shorter in length than arterials. Bliss Road and Coggeshall Avenue are examples of collectors. Road, Local – by definition, are designed to provide access to residential areas. However, Newport's local streets may occasionally function as through streets in some areas. These local streets make up a large percentage of the total street mileage in Newport, but carry a relatively small proportion of the vehicle miles traveled. Hunter Avenue is an example of a local street. Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) – stands for Special Area Management Plan. A SAMP is intended to address a unique scope or type of issues experienced in a particular setting or environment, specifically within coastal areas. For instance, Newport participated as a partner in the development of the Aquidneck Island SAMP, which helped to coordinate and align plans from multiple west side jurisdictions into a coherent set of strategies. More recently, Newport is participating in the State’s “Shoreline Change SAMP,” a comprehensive effo