Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 20

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan A Collaborative City…  Where community leaders embrace an integrated, strategic approach to planning, programming, budgeting and staffing.  Where communication and community collaboration are the foundation of good decisions.  Where a user-friendly government applies best practices to keep citizens engaged and informed. A Smart City…  Where lifelong learning, from early childhood through adult education, is a priority.  Where innovation and technology are embraced and drive improvement in all aspects of the community.  Where our educational system is high performing and attractive to all families. A Healthy City…  Where clean air and water are abundant.  Where protection and improvement of natural resources is highly valued.  Where environmental stewardship is integrated into all city staff and government decision-making.  Where community elements, such as open spaces and parks, are designed to encourage and facilitate healthy lifestyles.  Where recreational amenities are integrated into and maintained as a part of the community.  Where public spaces and facilities are accessible and ADA compliant.  Where affordable, fresh local food is available in abundance to support local agriculture, healthy lifestyles and sustainable initiatives. A Resilient City…  Where the built environment, economy, investments and all aspects of the community are designed, structured and operated to adapt to physical, financial, social and other challenges.  Where programs, plans and practices are routinely evaluated and adjusted as necessary to maximize resiliency and safeguard the environment.  Where proactive planning and action on the issue of sea level rise has helped to ensure the community and its historic and public assets remain safe.  Where we promote multiple and alternative transportation modes which do not contribute to environmental hazard. Issues and Priorities Over time, conditions and circumstances affecting the subjects addressed in a municipal comprehensive plan change. Some changes may be relatively minor or incremental while others may be more notable. As issues rise to the forefront or fade into the distance, community priorities need to be adjusted. To be effective, each new plan must review and adjust the course laid out by the prior plan. Planning is a constant process of evaluating, establishing consensus, implementing, refining, and adjusting. Table 1-3 provides a brief summary of issues deemed important to the 20-year vision for the city. Some of these are relatively new and global in scope, while others are more familiar and focused. Some will require long-term collaborations among multiple stakeholders, while others might be adequately addressed by a smaller group of key Page 1-8 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)