Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 181

13 Infrastructure & Water Supply Table 13-1 - NWD’s Surface Water Reservoirs Reservoir Location Watson Reservoir Little Compton Nonquit Pond Storage Capacity (MG) Usable Storage (MG) 1755.1 1677.4 Tiverton 565.3 403.0 St. Mary's Pond Portsmouth 205.5 189.0 Sisson Pond Portsmouth 117.0 117.0 Lawton Valley Reservoir Portsmouth 421.6 421.6 North & South Easton Ponds Newport 685.1 650.8 Gardiner and Paradise Ponds Middletown 526.2 458.9 Source: Newport Water Division Water Supply System Management Plan 2014 The water collected from these nine reservoirs is then distributed to two different water treatment plants (WTPs) located on Aquidneck Island. The two WTPs are Station 1 and the Lawton Valley Water Treatment Plant. Station 1 is located in Newport and has a total treatment capacity of nine million gallons per day (MGD). The Lawton Valley Water Treatment Plant (LVWTP), which has a total treatment capacity of seven MGD, is located in Portsmouth. These two plants combined give the Newport Water Division a total daily capacity of 16 million gallons. The 2012 figures for daily water consumption were far below the system’s maximum capacity. Table 13-2 details these statistics. Table 13-2 - System Wide Water Demand for 2012 (Measured in Million Gallons Daily) Year Average Day Demand (ADD) Maximum Day Demand (MDD) 2012 5.83 9.70 Source: Newport Water Division Water Supply System Management Plan 2014 In 2009, the NWD developed water demand projections for its service area as a basis of establishing the design capacities of the two water treatment plants. The projections were based on a 5-year and 20 –year planning horizon. The Planning Departments for all three communities on Aquidneck Island as well as the Naval Station Newport and Portsmouth Water & Fire District were contacted. Table 13-3 describes the projected future demands on the NWD. Table 13-3 - NWD Forecasted Water Demands (Measured in Million Gallons Daily) Forecasted Year Average Day Demand (ADD) Maximum Day Demand (MDD) 2018 7.00-7.44 12.40-13.20 2033 7.50-7.96 13.30-14.10 Source: Newport Water Division Water Supply System Management Plan 2014 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016) Page 13-3