Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 178

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Solarize Rhode Island Solarize Rhode Island is a program designed to encourage residential and commercial developments to install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The program works using a tiered pricing structure which means that savings on solar PV systems will increase as more people sign up for the program. Newport is a part of the Solarize Aquidneck program which focuses solely on the three jurisdictions on Aquidneck Island. Rhode Island Public Energy Partnership The Rhode Island Public Energy Partnership (RIPEP) is a three year program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy that focuses on achieving energy savings in state and municipal facilities. Specifically, the program will work together with state agencies, city governments, state universities, and utilities companies to create an inventory of public energy consumption, implement measures for energy efficiency in various facilities, and to mitigate barriers to energy efficiency in the public sector. Newport is currently assessing the feasibility of signing up for RIPEP. Property Assessed Clean Energy Program The Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE) is a program promoted by the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (RIOER). The PACE program gives homeowners opportunities to overcome upfront costs on renewable energy and/or energy efficiency upgrades to their homes. The improvements made on homes can be repaid by a special assessment that is paid at the same time as property taxes. Newport is currently enrolled in the PACE program. State promoted energy initiatives like these are not well known by the public and thus are customarily underutilized. Local Energy Initiatives The Newport Energy and Environment Commission The Newport Energy and Environment Commission (NEEC) is a seven member commission established by Resolution 2008-36. The Commission Members are appointed by council and the positions are held in three year staggered terms. The mission of the Commission is: “Advise the City Council and educate the Public on energy efficiency and renewable energy and the environment to foster a more sustainable community.” The Commission promotes and encourages sustainable events in Newport through the sustainable event destination program. NEEC provides a comprehensive checklist and plan for many kinds of events (music festivals, conferences etc.) to be run in a sustainable manner. Page 12-4 Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)