Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Existing Conditions | Page 176

Newport Comprehensive Land Use Plan Renewable Energy The Newport zoning ordinance currently only has provisions for wind energy systems, allowing for their siting to be in certain areas throughout the city. As of now, solar energy systems and other renewable energy sources are absent from the City’s Zoning Code. Newport’s Zoning code currently has provisions for only wind energy systems. Expanding zoning provisions for other renewable energy systems may raise the profile of renewables in Newport. While wind energy systems are included in the City’s Zoning Code, there are some heavy restrictions on the types of systems allowed and where they can be sited. Specifically, no turbines will be allowed that produce more than 100 kilowatts of energy and all wind energy systems require permits (building permits in some cases and special use permits in others). Wind energy systems may only be installed on residential lots of at least 10,000 square feet and on commercial lots of 40,000 square feet. Residential systems may not exceed 50 feet in height and must be setback at least 125% of the system height from all property lines. This means that any residential wind energy system that is the maximum height of 50 feet tall must be setback at least 62.5 feet from all of the property lines. Commercial systems may not exceed 80 feet in height and must be setback at least 125% of the system height, 100 feet for 80 foot tall systems, from all property lines. Also, in an effort to preserve the abundant historical resources present in Newport, the City has made it so no wind energy systems may be sited within the historic district. Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) is a common phenomenon Offshore Wind Energy Systems surrounding solar panels and Off-shore wind farms have grown in popularity in recent years. wind turbines. Many people This is due to the fact that wind speeds increase at distances believe these renewable energy further away from shore and thus there is greater opportunity for facilities are unpleasant to look energy creation through wind turbines. Newport has a large at and can adversely affect their shoreline facing the Atlantic Ocean, creating offshore wind property values. energy opportunities for the city. Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency is just as important as energy production. There is a lot that can be done for every structure in Newport to improve its energy efficiency. Converting all household lightbulbs to LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lightbulbs can drastically reduce energy consumption. Also, energy efficient windows can reduce heat loss during winter and heat gain during summer. This means that less energy will be used and less money will be spent on the heating or cooling of households. Energy Upgrades Newport City Hall Upgrades In early 2016, the boiler at City Hall was replaced with a newer and more efficient boiler. Prior to the replacement, a load test was completed to help assess what size and type of boiler should be installed. It was found that a smaller, gas burning boiler should be installed to replace the older, oil burning boiler. The new boiler uses less energy, reduces energy consumption and costs, and improves system efficiency and outdoor air quality due to the burning of gas rather than oil. On top of the newly installed boiler, it has been proposed that the City should invest in a boiler reset control to further reduce energy usage and costs. This mechanism could result in 5% - 15% savings in energy costs. Page 12-2 The City of Newport has made energy efficiency is a consideration in all capital improvement projects. The City has already installed energy efficient light fixtures at municipal facilities along with the installation of high efficiency mechanical equipment and energy management systems. Draft Existing Conditions (March 2016)