Newport Beach Country Club Magazine Winter 2020 | Page 58

9 QUESTIONS THE BACK NINE MEMBER DENNIS BADER SHARES HIS GREATEST FEAR, MOST MARKED CHARACTERISTIC AND THE MOTTO BY WHICH HE LIVES HIS LIFE. F or each issue, the editors of Newport Beach Country Club Magazine send out a questionnaire to one of the club’s esteemed members or employees to gain some insight into a member of the NBCC family. These nine questions allow our readers to learn something new about old friends, or discover somebody at the club they had not met before. For this issue, we’re getting to know member Dennis Bader. 1 Newport Beach Country Club Magazine: What is your idea of perfect happiness? Dennis Bader: Heading out on a new adventure with my traveling buddy and love of my life, Lorraine, my wife. We want to see as much of the world as possible. 2 NBCCM: What is your greatest fear? DB: Because of my religious beliefs, I really don’t fear anything, except maybe a triple bogey. 3 NBCCM: Who or what is the love of your life? DB: Of course, my wife, Lorraine (she made me say this) 4 NBCCM: On what occasion do you lie? DB: Actually, I don’t like to lie, but in the spirit of humor: I lie only when my lips are moving. 5 NBCCM: What is your greatest extravagance? DB: Living on the NBCC ninth hole and enjoying everything the club has to offer: golf, great food and wine, fabulous events for all members and their families, the pool and gym for workouts and the pro golf shop for buying accessories. 6 7 NBCCM: What do you value most in a friend? DB: Loyalty, honesty and a sense of humor 8 NBCCM: What are your most marked characteristics? DB: Laughing and smiling NBCCM: What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in life? DB: Marrying my wife and raising our son, Brenton, to be a blessing for us and the family 9 58 NEWPORT BEACH COUNTRY CLUB MAGAZINE NBCCM: How would you like to die? DB: Slowly and in 40 years NE W PO R TB E AC H C C .C O M