Newport Beach Country Club Magazine Winter 2020 | Page 13
and wind. The brand’s products are fi nished with
DuPont Tefl on DWR shielding, which provides
the fabric with durable, long-lasting protection
against water-based stains. This makes the fabric
easier to care for and keeps it looking new longer.
Sun Mountain pieces are also fully seam sealed
and, paired with the durable water repellent coat-
ing, water simply beads up and runs off.
Though weather is inherently unpredict-
able, dressing for rainy days does require some
preparation. So, if the skies look gray and there’s
a chill in the air, putting on some layers is a
surefi re way to be ready, just in case. Light jack-
ets or sweatshirts with a hood can instantly be
taken off or thrown on in the event of a drizzle.
Pulcini recommends layers that are light, breath-
able and moisture-wicking.
For this purpose, Sun Mountain’s outerwear
line includes layering jackets, thermals, wind-
breakers and waterproof rain coats. Wearing
light layers beneath your outerwear is never a
bad idea during the winter months—especially
in Newport Beach, where temperatures usually
don’t dip too low. A tank top or T-shirt can easily
fi t under bulkier outer layers, while a long-sleeve
fl eece or fl annel are also good choices for more
casual occasions. For bottoms, rain pants are
another option available at the golf shop for both
men and women.
When it comes to protection from the ele-
ments, accessories can make all the difference. For
example, a hat is an easy accessory to sport that
allows you to look good while also keeping your
head dry in a storm. At the golf shop, fi nd water-
proof bucket hats and other caps by Imperial.
Another must-have item includes gloves, which
can be carried on your person to add warmth at
a moment’s notice. Golf gloves that are made for
wet conditions are also available at the country
club, and should be used in place of leather gloves
for those looking to tee off in the rain.
Closed-toed shoes are also an imperative item,
but there’s no need to add rain boots to your
collection. A pair of moisture-wicking socks
will suffi ce, and can be paired with both sneak-
ers or regular boots. The sneaker trend is being
embraced by women all over the world, meaning
they can acceptably be worn with anything from
classic jeans to dresses and skirts. If golf is on the
schedule, make sure to avoid wearing shoes that
are made of 100% leather, such as those from
Royal Albartross. Rain can damage premium
leather footwear, so care for your pieces by only
wearing them if the weather permits.
That being said, one common style mistake is
to assume that you can’t dress nice because it’s
raining. Nothing should get in the way of looking
your best for weddings and other special occa-
sions around the Newport area. A sturdy coat,
tights and a good umbrella, like one from Sun
Mountain, can shield you from wet weather while
ensuring you still look fabulous.
If you’re specifi cally shopping for wet weather
clothing, Pulcini has a few tips. First and fore-
most, check the clothing labels, as there is a big
difference between water-resistant, water-re-
pellent and waterproof. “If an item states it is
water-resistant, this means the fabric is able to
resist the penetration of water to some degree,
but not entirely. Water-repellent means not eas-
ily penetrated by water, especially as a result of
being treated for such a purpose with a surface
coating. Waterproof will insure that the item is
fully seam sealed and is impervious to water,”
Pulcini explains.
So, it’s imperative to know what type of cloth-
ing you are looking for and to consider where
you’ll be wearing these items. It is also import-
ant to avoid lighter colors as well as cotton fab-
rics. “Cotton is the enemy of any sports that are
taking place in the rain. When cotton gets wet
against your skin, it will remain so,” Pulcini says.
Once cotton gets wet, it will also start to become
uncomfortable and could even irritate the skin.
To avoid this, instead opt for quick-drying,
waterproof materials.
It’s always better to have options, especially
when looking to spend time on the course or
near the beach. So think of Newport Beach
Country Club not just as a place to enjoy a
game of golf, but as a supplier for all types of
weather wearables.