Newletter March 2014 | Page 9

H i l l el H a p p e n i n g s P age 9 Celebrate Purim with a Mitzvah Bar Wish someone special a “Happy Purim” with a Mitzvah Bar. Mitzvah Bars (mini Hershey bars) will be on sale February 25, March 2, March 4, March 9, and March 11 during Religious School hours: 9am-12pm on Sunday 6pm-7pm on Tuesday They can be purchased for friends, family, teachers, and leaders of the Temple. This is not just for the kids, but for the whole TBH family. Bars are 2 for $1 or 12 for $10 Wish your TBH family a Happy Purim with chocolate! SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE NEWS The Project that is developing from the Shema Tour is coming along nicely. We would like to thank Jacob Castonguay for coming up with the idea of involving Hillel students in a project to benefit the people who utilize the services of Cornerstone Foundation. By following through on his wise words, many more people will benefit and more lives will be touched. Thank you to Ann Hughes and Michael Brezel for Co -Chairing the efforts and thank you to everyone who is stepping forward to help make this goal come to fruition. What a wonderful thing to be able to touch so many people's lives in a positive way. There will be a blood drive come spring. The date and times will be included in an upcoming email blast as the date nears. Please keep sending in your pull tabs. The money raised will go to Ronald McDonald House. Social Action Co-Chairs Edie Chernack and Pam Steinberg HOUSE COMMITTEE NEWS We have just about enough funds pledged to do the painting. I want to thank you all for your support to help beautify our temple. For those of you that still want to help out, I am having all the windows around the building fixed. The rubber molding is falling out from the inside and outside and it has to be replaced. Some windows have a 1/4" gap between the glass and the frame causing heat loss and drafts. It will cost about $1100.00 to $1300.00 to have it repaired. Any donation is most helpful. Joe Alpert [email protected] House Chairman Upcoming Meetings 3/2: Men’s Club, 9:30am 3/2: Religious Practices Committee, 12:15pm 3/4: Membership Committee, 7pm 3/18: Sisterhood, 6pm 3/13: Board Meeting, 7pm 3/26: Religious School Committee, 7pm