These locally run websites can answer most , if not all , of your FAQs about living in Little Rhody .
Official State Website ri . gov
COVID-19 Information covid . ri . gov
Department of Health health . ri . gov
Department of Education ride . ri . gov
Department of Environmental Management dem . ri . gov
Department of Human Services dhs . ri . gov
Department of Labor and Training dlt . ri . gov
Department of Transportation dot . ri . gov
Individual City and Town Information ri . gov / towns
Division of Motor Vehicles dmv . ri . gov
Voter Information Center vote . ri . gov
Important resources that all Rhode Islanders should have at their disposal .
AIRPORTS Block Island Airport — New England Airlines 1-800-243-2460 , blockislandairline . com Newport State Airport 401-846-9400 North Central State Airport 401-333-8503 Quonset State Airport 401-295-5020 T . F . Green International Airport 401-691-2000 , pvdairport . com Westerly Airport — New England Airlines 401-596-2357 , blockislandairline . com
Boston , Mass . Logan International Airport 800-235-6426 , massport . com
BUSES Greyhound Lines , 214-849- 8966 , greyhound . com Megabus , 1-877-462-6342 , us . megabus . com Peter Pan Bus Lines , 401-331-7500 , peterpanbus . com RIPTA Bus / RIPTA Trolley , 401-781-9400 , ripta . com
Airlines out of T . F . Green International Airport Air Canada , 1-888-247-2262 , aircanada . com Allegiant Airlines , 1-702-505-8888 , allegiantair . com American Airlines , 800-433-7300 , aa . com Breeze Airways , flybreeze . com Delta Air Lines , 1-800-221-1212 , delta . com Frontier Airlines , 1-801-401-9000 , flyfrontier . com JetBlue , 1-800-538-2583 , jetblue . com Southern Airways Express , 1-800-329-0485 , iflysouthern . com Southwest Airlines , 1-800-435-9792 , southwest . com Sun Country Airlines , 651-905-2737 , suncountry . com United Airlines , 800-864-8331 , united . com
TAXI SERVICES Greater Providence Airport Taxi , 401-737-2868 Economy Cab , 401-944-6700 , economycabri . com Rachel ’ s Big City Transportation , 401-219-9187 rachelstransportation . com
Newport County and South County Orange Cab , 401-841-0030 , newportcabs . com
TRAINS Providence Amtrak Station , 1-800-872-7245 , amtrak . com
FERRIES Block Island Ferry and Block Island Hi-Speed Ferry , 401-783-7996 , blockislandferry . com Jamestown Newport Ferry , 401-423-1556 , conanicutmarina . com Martha ’ s Vineyard Fast Ferry , from Quonset , North Kingstown , 401-295-4040 , vineyardfastferry . com Prudence and Bay Islands Transport , 401-683-0430 , prudencebayislands transport . com Seastreak , Providence to Newport Ferry , 1-800-262- 8743 , seastreak . com
Directory of Government Officials opengov . sos . ri . gov / govdirectory
State Tourism visitrhodeisland . com
RI Commerce commerceri . com
State Park , Campground and Beach Information riparks . com
More from Rhode Island Monthly rimonthly . com