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Discover the Many Treasures of ...
Beautiful Rensselaer County!
n a picturesque area of 665 square miles, stretching for
more than 30 miles along the Hudson River, Rensselaer
County is a mix of New England-style independence
and close-knit communities. Located just minutes from
the bustle of the county seat in Troy, also known as the
historic “Collar City,” are thriving suburbs and
unspoiled countryside, including thousands of acres of
parks and scores of lake and ponds.
Recreational activities abound in every season, from
golf, fishing and hiking to skiing, skating and more. Art
centers and museums, as well as live performances, all
thrive in Rensselaer County’s cultural climate. Like to
shop? Stroll along to downtown storefronts for unique
gifts and exotic finds or explore wayside country stores
and antique dealers for one-of-a-kind gifts and collect-
ibles. Whether you’re a gourmet or like to eat on the go,
you’ll find the perfect dining experience among our
eclectic mix of cafés, eateries and award-winning
restaurants. Orchards, pick-your-own farms, farmers’ markets
and family farms provide the backdrop for a scenic landscape. Buy
local produce directly from the grower throughout the year at the
popular Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market, held every Saturday. Get
on board with the craft beverage movement at one of Rensselaer
County’s four breweries (in six locations) and an award-winning
farm winery.
Fall festivals, corn mazes, hayrides and Zipline rides will entertain
you. Rensselaer County has played a key role in American history
Skyline view of downtown Troy
and the Hudson River
from the early Dutch settlers to the American Revolution, from the
Underground Railroad and Civil War to the Industrial Revolution
and, of course, right up through World War I and the days of Uncle
Sam. In fact, Troy has more Tiffany Windows per square mile
than anyplace else in America, and its intact brownstones and
examples of Victorian architecture have proven the perfect
backdrop for many Hollywood-on-the-Hudson moments. The
secret is out! Every season in Rensselaer County offers unique
events and one-of-kind attractions to peak your interest.
A Sampling of Rensselaer County Events
• See the up-and-coming baseball stars at the
NY-Penn League All Stars Game at the “Joe”
(August 15);
hosted by the
Tri-City Valley
• Catch a flick at
one of our two
drive-in movie
Summer Evenings with the
• Rock out every
Tri-City Valley Cats
Wednesday night
(June 7–August 9) at Troy’s Rockin’ on the River
free concert series
• Join in the nation’s largest Flag Day Parade
• Bring the whole family and enjoy
the Schaghticoke Fair with lots of
hands-on participation exhibits
and good old fun! (August
30–September 4).
• Pick your own apples and
pumpkins and enjoy the harvest at
farms throughout the county
• Goold Orchard’s
Annual Apple
Festival & Craft
Show (Columbus
Day Weekend)
• Celebrate the
Troy Victorian Stroll
harvest Dutch style
at Crailo State Historic Site’s Harvest Faire
• Sample the chowder at Troy’s ChowderFest
(October 9)
• Enjoy blasts from the past with Knick at Night
and learn the history of the Knickberbocker
Mansion, told by some of its most famous
• Run in the Troy Turkey Trot (Thanksgiving Day)
• Kick off the holiday season
with the Annual Greens
Show at the Rensselaer
County Historical Society
(November 30–December 3)
• Join in the magic of the
Troy Victorian Stroll, the
streets filled with performers
Rockin’ on The River,
Downtown Troy
and entertainment, and
indulge in some great shopping (December 3)
• Enjoy the Dutch holiday traditions of St.
Nicholas Day and Twelfth Night at Crailo State
Historic Site
• Experience a winter
including an
ice-fishing contest
and a polar plunge at
the Grafton Lakes
State Park Winter
Festival in January.
Snowmobiling in Grafton
• Enjoy the luscious sights and smells of spring at
the Capital District Garden & Flower Show
(March 23–25)
• Delight in local artisans at the Arts Center of the
Capital Region and Collar City Craft Fest (April
• Get outdoors and hike, bike and kayak with trails
and preserves throughout Rensselaer County.
For the most up-to-date information, visit
RenscoTourism.com or Facebook.com/
RensselaerCountyTourism (don’t forget to
like us!), and follow us on Instagram
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