New York By Rail 13th ed. | Page 43

Albany-Rensselaer PHOTOS: (SYMPHONY) GARY GOLD PHOTOGRAPHY; (TROY BICENTENNIAL) COLLECTION OF RENSSELAER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY; (ALBANY) COURTESY I LOVE NEW YORK Albany—New York’s capital city—grew from a small Dutch settlement into a destination for fans of history, arts and culture, cuisine, and fun events. Just across the Hudson River, Rensselaer County blends the past and present in a more rural setting. Albany Symphony STATION SERVICES Albany-Rensselaer (ALB) m B g e c a QT i f L T$ TRAVEL TIMES NYC > Albany Albany > Niagara Albany > Montreal HOURS 2.5 5.75 7.5 MULTIPLE DAILY DEPARTURES Adirondack, Empire Service, Ethan Allen Express, Lake Shore Limited, Maple Leaf CONNECTIONS Bus Service Routes 114 and 214 both connect to Empire State Plaza and downtown Albany. CDTA route guides are available at ticket counters Taxi Service On Call Car Rental Offers station car rentals on-site: 518-472-1111 Hertz: 518-434-6911 VISITOR RESOURCES and WHAT’S NEW ▼ Dutch Apple Cruises provide narrated For the City of Troy Bicentennial, several events will celebrate the “Collar City,” nicknamed for its historic shirt collar factories. Among these, the Rensselaer County Historical Society presents an exhibit, Visions of Troy: 200 Years a City, in the Joseph B. Carr Building downtown. From ALB Station: 8.9 miles car Druthers Brewing Co. has opened its second location, this time in a 1901 Albany warehouse building. This 18,000 square foot, 30 barrel brewery and brew pub produces more than ten different hand-crafted beers on premise. From ALB Station: 3.1 miles car; 21 minute bus City of Troy Bicentennial tours on the Hudson River and through the Troy lock. The 2016 tour season begins April 30 and will feature special cruises on Mother’s New York State Day and the 4th of July. Capitol dutchapplecruises.c