New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 9
The New York Avenue Corridor is a key north-
south linkage between Arlington’s Entertainment
District, the Great Southwest Industrial District,
the General Motors Assembly Plant, and the
IH-20 employment center. The corridor is at
the center of East Arlington, which was Arling-
ton’s first suburban neighborhood. Developed
primarily during the 1950’s and 1960’s, the cor-
ridor consisted of desirable single family neigh-
borhoods, new apartment and townhome de-
velopments, quality neighborhood schools and
churches serving multiple denominations.
together to form East Arlington Renewal. Work-
ing closely together, the residents and the City
moved several initiatives forward to enhance the
quality of life in the East Arlington area, including
adopting the City’s first Sector Plan in 1997.
Today the New York Avenue Corridor is made
up of a rich, culturally diverse population base.
While much has been done since the early
1980’s to improve the area, recognizing that ad-
ditional opportunities exist for reinvestment and
redevelopment along the corridor, in March 2012
the City Council established this area as a prior-
The Park Plaza Shopping Center, at the corner ity for the 2012 work program.
of E. Park Row Drive and New York Avenue,
was a modern suburban shopping center with STUDY AREA
grocery stores, restaurants, department stores
(including Titche’s and J.C Penney) and a mov- The New York Avenue Corridor Study Area is
ie theater. Park Plaza has been described by approximately 430 acres, and is bounded by E.
long-time local residents as the heart of East Ar- Abram Street on the north, E. Arkansas Lane on
lington. It was the place where neighbors could the south, Sherry Street on the east and Brown-
see neighbors, and was easily accessible from ing Drive on the west (see Figure 1.1). Primary
the surrounding neighborhoods by automobile, streets within the Study Area include New York
bicycle or foot.
Avenue, E. Mitchell Street, E. Park Row Drive
and E. Pioneer Parkway (SH 303). The length
By the 1970’s and 1980’s, the newness had fad- of New York Avenue within the Study Area is ap-
ed along the corridor and many newer suburban proximately two miles, with approximately 3,000
neighborhoods began to develop in other parts of feet of the roadway having commercial frontage
Arlington. While new commercial development on at least one side of the road.
was still occurring in parts of the corridor along
E. Pioneer Parkway (SH 303), key anchors va- In addition to this Study Area, both a Project
cated the Park Plaza Shopping Center, choosing Area and Trade Area have been established to
to move to newer malls in the area. As concerns support the analysis of market conditions. The
began to arise in the area related to the com- Project Area includes the properties that could
munity’s appearance, several neighbors joined influence redevelopment initiatives within the
Study Area and is bounded by Division Street
(SH 180) on the north, SH 360 on the east, E.