New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 88
As stated earlier, an understanding of challeng-
es or barriers, and the issues which perpetuate
them, is critical to arrive at recommendations
designed to “ready an area” or community for in-
vestment. This is equally true whether the chal-
lenges are being perpetuated by perception or
reality. All of the input presented here were the
opinions of those individuals who agreed to par-
ticipate. Research completed by the consultant
team focused on confirming or refuting these
comments to the extent that they informed rec-
ommendations regarding implementation of an
investment strategy for the Study Area. Regard-
less of whether the comments made were based
in fact, processes like these inevitably highlight
the need for greater communication between the
public and private sectors and greater education
of many audiences. The essential element in
every story of successful revitalization over the
past decade was partnerships. Whereas part-
nerships are based on trust and trust is built on
communication, this will be paramount going for-