New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 85




The following discussion summarizes both research and input gained from representatives of the community during interviews and group discussions conducted during the planning process . Interviewees included property owners , developers , institutional representatives , neighborhood representatives and other members of the “ delivery system ” 1 who were selected for the breadth of their experience and familiarity with the New York Avenue Corridor Study Area . All conversations focused on opportunities and challenges to investment and reinvestment in area .
Experience has shown that an understanding of challenges or barriers to investment , and the issues which perpetuate them , is critical to effectively arrive at recommendations designed to “ ready an area for investment ” and position key Opportunity Sites . As expected , many of the issues are in direct conflict with the City ’ s ability to advance the expressed vision . In addition , whereas many were raised by stakeholders rather than discovered by the consultant team , they include both perceptions and realities . Regardless of which they are , they are all relevant and considered in the context of identifying key implementation strategies .
The observations which follow are grouped into broad categories -- physical , market , financial , regulatory , organizational and political . Experience in many markets has shown that opportunities to be capitalized on , and challenges to be overcome , tend to fall within one of these categories . The successful implementation of any redevelopment strategy largely depends on the accurate identification of both opportunities and challenges , as well as the political will to share this information with the community and collectively define a market-based strategy ( vision ) for the near- and long-term .
Comments regarding New York Avenue ’ s physical environment primarily fell under the headings of aesthetics / beautification , aging or inadequate infrastructure , underutilized properties , and a lack of connections , both within neighborhoods and along the corridor , and beyond the Study Area . Most participants agreed that the overall Study Area is not as visually attractive as it used to be and that contributors included the presence of overhead utilities , deteriorating and inconsistent fencing and vacant and under-utilized properties and buildings . Infrastructure issues primarily centered on road conditions , the incomplete system of sidewalks , and mature trees . In addition , many individuals cited a general lack of pedestrian connections and “ walkability ” within the Study Area , as well as a lack of mobility to access areas outside the neighborhood . Participants spoke about the need for better transit to / from the Study Area and more choices for alternative modes of transportation ( pedestrian , bike ).
1 The “ delivery system ” includes those individuals and organizations which affect delivery of a project or product to the market .