New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 82

VISION Economic Gaps Opportunity Project Site Concepts Opportunity Concepts Opportunity B: Opportunity A: Opportunity C: Park Row at Abram at New Pioneer at New New York York Avenue York Avenue Avenue Project Indicator Private Sector Investment Development Sq Ft: Project Land Area (Acres) 7.75 45.00 15.00 Opportunity Project Concepts Retail/Restaurant 54,000 113,600 B: 13,000 Opportunity Office/Employment 0 71,000 0 Opportunity A: Opportunity C: Park Row at Residential (Rental) 0 127,800 110,700 Abram at New Pioneer at New New York Residential (For-Sale) 18,000 122,400 Project Indicator York Avenue York 14,400 Avenue Avenue Total Private 72,000 434,800 138,100 Private Sector Development Investment Floor Area Ratio 21% 22% 21% Development Sq Ft: Total Project Value (Acres) (@ Build-Out) $9,956,250 $49,054,500 $15,595,915 Project Land Area 7.75 45.00 15.00 Total Project Costs (@ Build-Out) $12,115,650 $73,777,680 $20,571,446 Retail/Restaurant 54,000 113,600 13,000 Project Margin/(Gap) ($2,159,400) ($24,723,180) ($4,975,531) Office/Employment 0 71,000 0 Project Margin/(Gap) % -18% -34% -24% Residential (Rental) 0 127,800 110,700 Potential Contributions Residential (For-Sale) to Gap 18,000 122,400 14,400 Land Acquistion/Writedown $0 $0 $0 Potential Contributions to Gaps Total Private Development 72,000 434,800 138,100 Site Improvements $936,403 $2,801,400 $801,925 Opportunity Site Concepts Project Concepts Floor Area Ratio Contribution 21% Opportunity 22% 21% Supportable TIF (25 Years) $1,700,000 $6,800,000 $2,200,000 Opportunity B: Total Project Value (@ Build-Out) $9,956,250 $49,054,500 $15,595,915 Sales Tax Sharing (380 Loan -- 20 Yrs) $1,200,000 $2,500,000 $300,000 C: Opportunity A: Opportunity Park Row at Total Project Costs (@ Build-Out) $12,115,650 $73,777,680 $20,571,446 Public Improvement $0 $0 Abram at New ($24,723,180) Pioneer at New New $0 York Project Margin/(Gap) District (20 Years) ($2,159,400) ($4,975,531) Property Tax Abatement (10 Years) $0 $0 $0 York -18% Avenue York -24% Avenue Avenue Project Indicator Margin/(Gap) % -34% Development Fee Waivers $0 $0 $0 Private Sector Investment Potential Contributions to Gap Federal/State/Local $0 $0 $0 Development Sq Ft: Grants Land Acquistion/Writedown $0 $0 $0 Streamlined Approval Process $0 $0 $0 Project Land Development Area (Acres) 7.75 45.00 15.00 Site Improvements Contribution $936,403 $2,801,400 $801,925 Total Contributions Gap $3,836,403 $12,101,400 $3,301,925 Retail/Restaurant 54,000 113,600 13,000 TIRZ (25 (25 to Years) Supportable TIF Years) $1,700,000 $6,800,000 $2,200,000 Project Margin/(Gap) After -- Contributions 14% -17% -8% Office/Employment 0 71,000 0 Sales Tax Sharing (380 % Loan 20 Yrs) $1,200,000 $2,500,000 $300,000 Residential (Rental) 0 127,800 110,700 Public Improvement District (20 Years) $0 $0 $0 Residential (For-Sale) (10 Years) 18,000 122,400 14,400 Property Tax Abatement $0 $0 $0 Total Private Development 72,000 434,800 138,100 Development Fee Waivers $0 $0 $0 Floor Area Ratio 21% 22% 21% Federal/State/Local Grants $0 $0 $0 Total Project Value (@ Build-Out) $9,956,250 $49,054,500 $15,595,915 Streamlined Development Approval Process $0 $0 $0 Total Contributions Project Costs (@ Build-Out) $12,115,650 $73,777,680 $20,571,446 to Gap $3,836,403 $12,101,400 $3,301,925 ($2,159,400) ($24,723,180) ($4,975,531) Project Margin/(Gap) % After Contributions 14% -17% -8% Margin/(Gap) % only to provide examples of potential funding -18% -34% -24% * Project These measures are illustrated contributions to gaps and are not the recommended funding contributions for Potential Contributions to Gap each Opportunity Site Figure 5.22 Economic Gaps Land Acquistion/Writedown $0 Figure 5.23 Potential $0 $0 to Gaps Contributions Site Improvements Contribution $936,403 $2,801,400 $801,925 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 74 Supportable TIF (25 Years) $1,700,000 $6,800,000 $2,200,000 Sales Tax Sharing (380 Loan -- 20 Yrs) $1,200,000 $2,500,000 $300,000