New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 80

OPPORTUNITY SITE MARKET TEST In order to determine the financial impacts of these Opportunity Sites, a market “test” was completed to ensure that recommended land use types would be supportable in the Trade Area. A reasonable capture rate for the Trade Area de- mand is 5%-10%. As shown, the total number of residential units and retail/restaurant/service commercial square feet suggested for the Op- portunity Sites appears to represent a reason- able market capture of Trade Area demands. Market Test Opportunity Concept % of Area Units Total Opportunity Program Units Concept Development Original Trade Area Total Trade Program and Square Feet Programs 10-Year Demand and Demand Square Feet Opportunity Concept Development Programs Opportunity Concept A e Abram at New York Avenue Live/Work Units Live/Work 10 Units 6,937 Loft Living Loft Living 0 10,939 Retail/Restaurant/Service Commercial Retail/Restaurant/Service 54,000 Commercial 1,375,149 Opportunity Concept B nue Live/Work Units Park Row at New York Avenue Live/Work 68 Units 6,937 Loft Living Loft Living 142 10,939 Ground Floor Flex Square Feet* Ground 86,600 Floor Flex Square Feet* -- Retail/Restaurant Square Feet Retail/Restaurant 27,000 Square Feet 1,375,149 Library/Recreation Center Library/Recreation 71,000 Center -- Opportunity Concept C ue Senior Cottages Pioneer at New York Avenue Senior Cottages 12 6,937 ) Senior Living (International Marketplace) Senior 123 Living 10,939 Retail/Restaurant Square Feet Retail/Restaurant 13,000 Square Feet 1,375,149 s Total Opportunity Concepts Live/Work or Senior Cottages Live/Work 90 or Senior Cottages 6,937 Loft Living Loft Living 265 10,939 Retail/Restaurant Square Feet Retail/Restaurant 94,000 Square Feet 1,375,149 office, residential or other. * Could be retail, service, office, residential or other. m and Jacobs Inc. Source: RickerǀCunningham and Jacobs Inc. Opportunity Opportunity Concept Concept % of % of Amended Trade Trade Area Area Area 10-Year Original Trade Area Trade Trade Demand Demand 10-Year Demand Demand Amended Trade Area 10-Year Demand Opportunity Concept % of Trade Area Demand 0.1% 10 0.0% 0 54,000 3.9% 4,179 6,937 5,971 10,939 913,395 1,375,149 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 5.9% 3.9% 4,179 5,971 913,395 0.2% 0.0% 5.9% 1.0% 68 1.3% 142 86,600 -- 27,000 2.0% 71,000 -- 4,179 6,937 5,971 10,939 -- -- 913,395 1,375,149 -- -- 1.6% 1.0% 2.4% 1.3% -- -- 3.0% 2.0% -- -- 4,179 5,971 -- 913,395 -- 1.6% 2.4% -- 3.0% -- 0.2% 12 1.1% 123 13,000 0.9% 4,179 6,937 5,971 10,939 913,395 1,375,149 0.3% 0.2% 2.1% 1.1% 1.4% 0.9% 4,179 5,971 913,395 0.3% 2.1% 1.4% 1.3% 90 2.4% 265 94,000 6.8% 4,179 6,937 5,971 10,939 913,395 1,375,149 2.2% 1.3% 4.4% 2.4% 10.3% 6.8% 4,179 5,971 913,395 2.2% 4.4% 10.3% Figure 5.21 Market Test ARLINGTON, TEXAS 72