New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 77
Finally, a parcel of property on the corner of Kim-
berly Drive and Monaco Drive that once was the
location of a privately owned neighborhood pool
and playground is thought to be a great candi-
date for a public park to provide an additional
amenity to the surrounding community. The
proforma prepared for this Opportunity Site es-
timates an added value to the community of $49
million and can be found in Appendix iv.
Opportunity Site ‘C’
also envisioned. A strong pedestrian connection
to the retail center located to the north of this site
could be provided by creating a covered “gal-
leria” through the existing building with small-
er-scale retail along the edge. Within the retail
site to the north, it is envisioned that the façade
improvements that have already been made to
several of the existing businesses would be ex-
panded to the remaining businesses in the retail
Building upon this early phase development, fu-
ture phases of supporting uses are envisioned
for the mini warehouse site to the north of the
amenity area, for the existing gas well site as it
reaches the end of its lifespan, and for the retail
uses along Browning Street (see Figure 5.20).
Improvements to these sites could include ad-
ditional senior apartments, senior cottages and
new medical office development to provide for
Throughout the visioning process, the communi- a majority of the needs of residents living with-
ty expressed a strong desire to be able to “age in the development in a walkable environment.
in place.” With limited housing options existing The proforma prepared for this Opportunity Site
in the Study Area geared towards seniors, an estimates an added value to the community of
appropriate site needed to be located on which $16 million and can be found in Appendix iv.
multiple senior housing products could be sup-
ported. This site is an ideal location for senior
housing due to the close proximity to support-
ing retail uses and the size of the vacant parcel
available for development.
The scenario generated for Opportunity Site C
envisions a senior housing development located
along E. Arkansas Lane west of New York Ave-
nue (see Figure 5.19). One parcel makes up the
Opportunity Site which is currently vacant. One
challenge to developing the site is the existing
gas well site located immediately to the north.
In order to create an amenity for the future de-
velopment and to provide an appropriate buffer
between the existing gas well site and future res-
idential development, a heavily landscaped area
would be provided immediately adjacent to the
gas well site. It is envisioned to contain water
features, outdoor dining, and walking paths. Ad-
jacent to this amenity area, a building consisting
of senior apartments with supporting food ser-
vices and concierge services would provide for
the needs of active seniors. A limited quantity of
senior cottage housing for independent living is