International Theme
The area along E . Pioneer Parkway ( SH 303 ) is recommended to have an International urban design theme . The International Theme is intended to celebrate the multi-cultural diversity that is unique to the Study Area . Today , the New York Avenue Corridor Study Area has attracted individuals from a number of cultural backgrounds . The community felt strongly that cultural diversity was one of the corridor ’ s greatest assets that should be celebrated . The portion of the Study Area along E . Pioneer Parkway ( SH 303 ) has transitioned in recent years into a corridor of predominately international businesses . While currently the majority of these businesses are Asian-oriented , through the process of interviewing key stakeholders , an opportunity was identified to create a more diverse international corridor along E . Pioneer Parkway ( SH 303 ) from the Study Area east to SH160 in Grand Prairie . The vision for the International Theme is one of multiple cultures and nations coming together within the corridor . Icons identified to support this theme included multiple materials and palettes ( see Figure 5.15 ).
In areas where enhanced paving materials will be incorporated , it is recommended that the paving have a random pattern in stamped , tinted concrete to be reminiscent of Roman roads . Streetscape furnishings including lights , benches , bollards and tree grates are recommended to reference the circle , which represents fulfillment , oneness , perfection and unity in multiple Asian cultures . Flags or banners representing multiple nations / cultures are also intended to be a part of the streetscape palette . Figure 5.16 provides representative examples of the types of streetscape elements recommended for the areas that will incorporate the International Theme .